
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
  • Yuzuzaki Laboratory is a research center for human biology - Microbiota - Quantum Computational Research (Keio University)WPI-Bio2Q) has been moved to
  • Focusing on synaptic formation mechanisms in the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and enteric nervous system、We aim to clarify the linkage between the nervous system and multiple organs, and the pathology caused by its failure, and to develop treatment methods.
Past News
Journal Club
We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Book-review (Japanese) - article

 Experimental Medicine Special Issue April 2024 “Neuroscience opened up by large-scale data and AI”A review article by Mr. Takano and Mr. Sogabe titled ``The shape of synapses elucidated by proximity labeling and expansion microscopy'' was published in。

Law Seminar February 2023 issue-3month numberto "Law of IoB
Multi-hierarchy in Neuroscience: From a Biological Perspective、A mini lecture given by Yuzusaki at a round-table discussion centered on Professor Komamura of Keio University's Faculty of Law, who is interested in the ethical aspects of brain science, and the subsequent discussion were posted.。




Biological Science February 2023 special issue"Synapse" is called "Synapse organizer - Extracellular scaffolding protein"
A review by Nozawa and Yuzuzaki has been published。





Takeshi Yoro (supervised) Yasuo Uchiyama, Michisuke Yuzaki (translation) Brainbook "Mieru Brain" Original 3rd edition translation has been published。





 Science of Geriatric Psychiatry journal (World planning) Special Issue, "" things forgotten ";Basic and clinical "(Volume 31, No. 2, 2020) "Overview of the latest findings on brain mechanisms involved in memory formation" (Mitsuke Yuzaki) was published.。





 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE (Chugai Medical Co., Ltd.) Special Issue "cerebellum learning theory:50 years of the Marr-Albus-Ito theory "Vol.37 (2019Years) 08Review article “The role of long-term suppression LTD in cerebellar learning” (Wataru Kakegawa) in the monthly issue、Matsuda Makoto Yaer、Yuzu Iwasaki Tsukai) has been published。





FruitExperimental Medicine(Yodo-sha) Special Issue "cranial nerve circuit and the higher brain functions developed in the scrap-and-build"In the review "dynamic control of the cerebellar circuit by scrap-and-build" (Wataru Kakegawa、Yuzu Iwasaki Tsukai) has been published。



BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進Reviewed in (Igaku) ​​"learning and memory of the molecular mechanism? - at that time what's in the synapse is happening" (Wataru Kakegawa、Yuzu Iwasaki Tsukai) has been published。




Clinidal Neuroscience(中外医学社)特集号「ニューロリハビリテーションの進歩」に総説「中枢神経の可塑性とは」(河野まや, Wataru Kakegawa,,ja,Kosuke Yuzaki) was posted.,,ja,Complement C1q-like protein goes beyond the synapse to kainate form,,ja,Control the function of the lutamate receptor,,ja, Yuzu Iwasaki Tsukai) has been published。






Japanese researchers who have appeared in the journal Science,,ja,Wataru Yuzusaki and Kakegawa has been published in ".,,ja,Is published from Springer Corporation; & nbsp; & nbsp,,ja,Keiko Yuzusaki and Matsuda has been published in ".,,jaWataru Yuzusaki and Kakegawa has been published in "。






Japanese review of Matsuda-yuzu Saki in life sciences review "補体C1q様タンパク質はシナプスをこえてカイニン酸型グ

ルタミン酸受容体の機能を制御する"I was published。




A review of the Koda-Kakegawa-Yuzusaki "LongTerm Depression at Parallel Fiber-Purkinje Cell Synapses" is bookEssentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders (Springer).。






A review of Kakegawa, Mazda Yuzusaki "Complement C1q family molecules and the formation and maintenance of synapses" isAnnual Review神経2016.。






Japanese review of Takeo yuzu Saki to Ayumi December issue of Medicine "Purkinje cell dendrites formation mechanism - challenge the role elucidation of the old transcription factor RORα in a new way"I was laid。




Cell Technology Vol.34 No.7

A review paper entitledPaper introduce "C1ql1:A new molecule "to control the form and function of the brain synapsesIt was resting。




Experimental Medicine:Oxygen signal is rocking the cell function! Fine-tuning is carried out in the whole body from ~Normoxia to Hypoxia


実験医学7月号To "frustrate the weak help the mighty" review of Kakegawa-Yuzusakira - New C1ql1 signaling responsible for pruning synapses "was published。





WS000000A Japanese review entitled "How single winner climbing fiber is selected and maintained by C1ql1 signaling in the cerebellum"There was published。


A book entitled "Brain Extracellular Matrix in Health and Disease""It has been published。Chapter 2 Neural ECM and Synaptogenesis Yuzusaki has shared writing。




bannerIn the 3rd volume of "Integrated Reviews in Life Sciences 2014,"World of delta:Story Delta receptors of certain orphan receptor: has been published"I was published。




January 2014 issue of Comprehensive Rehabilitation ( Vol.42 No.1)"Synaptic plasticity as the foundation process of nerve function recovery" review of the Koda-Yuzusaki to - "Current Topics featured advances in brain science" was published in the。





Brain 21 (July 2013) "Transport Saum and brainA review of Kakegawa, Koda-Yuzusaki "new synaptic plasticity mechanism by'm not -δ2 type glutamate receptors and Cbln1 that just to form a synapse" was published in "。


Brain book THE BRAIN BOOK visible brain

The functions of the brain、It was written to the general publicThis book, with a lot of color illustrations,There has been published。It is co-translation of the Uchiyama professor of Juntendo University。(Takeshi Yoro teacher translation supervisor)。Since the illustration has full entered、It is recommended as an introduction。



WS000000Ishida Okabe-Yuzusaki in life science reviewJapanese reviews "Cbln1 promotes the maturation of synapses sparked a dynamic morphological changes in the axon in the cerebellum"There was published。


Health body の scientific February 2012 Featured "small × study の topic(2)」A review of Yuzusaki called "new synapse formation orphan receptors revealed principle -Cbln 1 and GluD2" was published in the。




WS000000In Life Sciences review of Yuzusaki-KimuTamotsuJapanese review "control of the induction of long-term depression by phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase in the postsynaptic membrane.",jaThere was published。


   Springer 社 から 発刊 さ れるEncyclopedia of Signaling MoleculeIn the、AP-4、Cbln1, The three chapters of Delta receptors Matsuda Shinnanji lecturer、Keiko Matsuda Assistant Professor、Kazuhisa Koda lecturer Wataru Kakegawa lecturer was shared writing and Yuzusaki each。






A paper in 2011 lecturer Kakegawa"D-Ser binding to GluD2 regulates synaptic plasticity and motor learning- δ2 was published as a receptor signaling "。




Japanese researchers who have appeared in the journal Science,,ja,Wataru Yuzusaki and Kakegawa has been published in ".,,ja,Is published from Springer Corporation; & nbsp; & nbsp,,ja,Keiko Yuzusaki and Matsuda has been published in ".,,jaKeiko Yuzusaki and Matsuda has been published in "。







Oh the future from the source of membrane transport studies Toransupotosomu ー World(Hirokawa Bookstore Kyoto) (author division operated channel ligand Chapter 2)






Elucidate the effect of amino acids and exercise special skill acquisition(Updated on SeptemberPicked up in Yomiuri Shimbun-Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun-JST Press ReleaseChildren's newspaper Asahi ·) is a 2011 original (Nature Neuroscience 5 月 号






"Delta2 receptor" Koda, Kakegawa-Yuzusaki、And a review of "Cbln1 (cerebellin)" Mazda Yuzusaki2010October Zeng Issues, "the living body の science"(Special Features:It was published in signaling) over the synapse。





Understanding brain mechanisms of synapse maintenance(Updated on SeptemberNikkei Sangyo Shimbun-Kyodo-JST Press Release) Is Original (Science 16 April 2010 Issue) And (Science STKE Editor's Choice "is no longer an orphan"




Study Group of everyone


Keio University, "teaching a half of" semi-Published in February 2010






Cell engineering

Yuzusakidorikai (Edit) special issue "now、What is happening at the synapse? - new synapses image as a place of memory and learning and psychiatric and neurological disorders. "Cell engineering 28, 2009.






Matsuda Keiko、Dynamics of Yuzusakidorikai dendrites.Cognition and Dementia 8, 183-188, 2009.





Science of biological 2009

Yuzusaki-dorikai excitatory amino acid. Health Body の Science 60, 346-347, 2009.







Yuzaki, M. Glutamate Receptors: NMDA and Delta Receptors. In: Neural Signaling Mechanisms (Mikoshiba, C. and), Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology (Lajtha, A. ed-in-chief),  2009, Springer, New York.





Matsuda Makoto Yaer、Polar transport in Yuzusakidorikai nerves - finally apparent that one end of the dendrite-specific transport of molecules mechanism. Protein Nucleic Acid Enzyme special edition(Cells from torrent over molecular membrane traffic、And to an individual), 53, 2214-2219, 2008.





Memory and learning responsible protein brain cells、Elucidation movement.Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun


Experimental Medicine 1

Molecules that control the morphological and functional synaptic plasticity in the adult brain communication through delta Cbln1 Department citrus-GluR 2. Special issue of Experimental Medicine(Mechanisms of brain function and neural control), 26, 1886-1891, 2008






New cytokine that controls synapse formation and maintenance and care through Department citrus-Cbln C1q/TNF superfamilyBrain Medical, 20, 135-140, 2008.






Communication through delta receptors and the Department citrus fruit(Updated on SeptemberThe Glutamate Receptors bookSharing writing) Yuzaki, M. Delta receptors. In: The Glutamate Receptors. (Gereau, RW, and Swanson, G.T. eds), 2008, The Humana Press, New Jersey.






Iijima TakashiToshi、Matsuda Keiko、Grapefruit 﨑 through referral Use of isotopes in the study of synaptic plasticity.Separate cell engineering, 26, 320-327, 2007




Mechanism of receptor localization and synaptic long-term control of citrus 﨑通 care.Health Body の Science, 58, 98-102, 2007.

A lifetime of glutamate receptors in Yuzusakidorikai nerve cells:Whether the position is how to control the number?Biochemistry79, 16-27, 2007.

New discoveries related to basic medical care through Department citrus spinocerebellar degeneration.Incurable disease and home care12, 13-16, 2006.

Mekanizumu clues to analyze the transition process of forgetting the new glutamate receptor (This paper has been published in PNASThis week in PNASNikkan Kogyo Shimbun,This paper has been published in PNASCOMMENTARY)

Soft and hard through the brain through brain citrus Department.Keio Medical Science University83, 135-140, 2006.

Synaptic plasticity modifier prograde formation of new discoveries Cbln1(Updated on SeptemberNikkei、Nature Neuroscience誌News & Views

Communication through citrus DepartmentTo the junior essay.C共Japan Clip Today, 2005.

Trends in basic research through Department of synaptic plasticity through citrus. In: The new trend of Rehabilitation Medicine(Ed. Jiang Yu years out of the village Department) pp. 35-40、Advanced Medical Technology Institute、Tokyo, 2005.

Through memory or through the Department citrus formed it? - Recent topics.Keio Medical Science University 80, 131-139, 2003.

Glutamate receptors through a memory element through citrus Department.Clinical Neuroscience 21, 1471, 2003.

The role of neurotransmitter receptors in the cerebellum through the formation and function through the Department as an example citrus-type glutamate receptor δ2.Brain Science 26, 563-570, 2003.

Glutamate receptors and synaptic plasticity of Purkinje cells through Qi through citrus. In: Introduction to Neuroscience course (below)(Masahiko Watanabe ed.) Pp.145-159、YODOSHA、Tokyo、 2002.

Department through an open door through citrus (gate) - doors open elucidate the function of glutamate receptors and analysis of mutant mice.Experimental Medicine 18, 1410-1413, 2000.

Kawasaki citrus fruit through the cerebellum via the "memory" and the abnormal.Latest medical 54, 140-144, 1999.