
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
  • Yuzuzaki Laboratory is a research center for human biology - Microbiota - Quantum Computational Research (Keio University)WPI-Bio2Q) has been moved to
  • Focusing on synaptic formation mechanisms in the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and enteric nervous system、We aim to clarify the linkage between the nervous system and multiple organs, and the pathology caused by its failure, and to develop treatment methods.
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We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Michisuke Yuzaki, Professor

2024 Greetings for the year:

2024I will be retiring from Keio University School of Medicine at the end of this fiscal year.。This year's major goals are、Research to date - CREST research (optobio), which has received significant support from the government、The goal is to present to the world the results that have been developed through special promotion research (synaptic adhesion structure) in the form of a paper.。

2025It looks like we will be operating the laboratory in a different way from this fiscal year onwards.、We will report on this once we have more clarification.。The content of the research is、Understand the mechanisms by which synapses that make up the brain's neural circuits are formed, matured, and removed.、We will continue to elucidate this at the molecular level.。It has become clear that many psychiatric and neurological diseases are "synaptic diseases" caused by abnormalities in the number and function of synapses.、We would like to develop new treatments based on the understanding of synapse formation, maturation, and elimination processes.。at the same time、Utilizing the technological foundation we have cultivated in the synapses of the central nervous system,、We will continue to elucidate the mechanism of synapse formation and maintenance in the peripheral nervous system.。

As you know, in October 2022, Keio University will be recognized as the World Premier Research Institute Program (WPI) ``Human Biology - Microbiome - Quantum Computing Research Center''.(Bio2Q):Selected by Kenya Honda, Center Director (Yuzaki will serve as special assistant to the Bio2Q Center Director)。In addition, in 2022, we will launch a moonshot (understanding the operating principles of intestinal bacteria and its application to extend healthy life expectancy).:It was also adopted by Kenya Honda representative)。Each Yuzuzaki lab、Plays an important role leading the brain-gut correlation research team。from now on7-10 yearsContinued research funding。

2022In December 2017, it was also selected as an international leading research project.、from now on、7yearlyFrance (Bordeaux IINS):Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience)、America(Max Planck Institute for Neuroscience) and Japan (Keio University, Kyoto University, University of Tokyo, Niigata University, National Institute of Genetics) will collaborate to advance memory research.。

2023As for classroom personnel in 2018,、Mr. Kanai successfully obtained his degree.、Special Fellow of the Society for the Promotion of Science (PD)Transferred to the University of Tokyo, Northwestern Laboratory as。

Yuzaki received the Naito Memorial Science Promotion Award in March 2023.、11Received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in May。I have enjoyed researching with you so far.、I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the members of my laboratory and my co-researchers for their support.。2023President of the Japanese Neuroscience Society in June 2017、10I completed my term as chair of the Keio University Graduate School of Medicine in February.。On the other hand、10Appointed as a new member of the Science Council of Japan and vice-chairman of the Basic Medical Sciences Committee from April。I would like to continue contributing to the development of basic science in Japan and the training of the next generation of researchers.。

I look forward to your further guidance and encouragement. Thank you.。

—-My introduction, as usual—–

Thing that I like:
-Scientific discussion。
- Hanging around in the bookstores and stationery shops。
- Reading (promiscuously)。I have read all of Akira Yoshimura, Nanao Shiono, Mari Yonehara, Takamasa Kadota, and Yu Sato.。
- To eat delicious foods。My weight just keeps increasing 、and that is my trouble。

Things that I don't like:
· Formalities and pretenses。It's good to be "honest."。
- Wasabizuke (Pickled Japanese horseradish)。Rakkyo (Pickles Japanese shallots)。
•My hair thinning.。

EssaySee also。

Asahi Shimbun Apital "The Beauty and Mysteries of Nerve Cells: Towards Truly Useful Research"Here。

Keio University School of Medicine, Special Feature “The future led by the birth of CPTX, a substance that connects broken neural circuits” is here。

2022Round-table discussion at Mita Hyoron in MarchClick here for "Forefront of Brain Science Research"。

e le c te ricClick here for the interview。
