1985 | 自治医科大学医学部卒業 |
1985-1989 | 大阪府立総合医療センター・大阪府衛生部 |
1989-1993 | 自治医科大学大学院博士課程 |
1992-1993 | 日本学術振興会・特別研究員 |
1993-1995 | 米国ロッシュ分子生物学研究所・HFSP長期海外研究員 |
1995-2002 | 米国セントジュード小児研究病院・助教授 |
2002-2003 | 米国セントジュード小児研究病院・准教授 |
2003- | 慶應義塾大学医学部・教授 |
2021- | 慶應義塾大学大学院・医学研究科委員長 |
1983 | 情報処理技術者資格取得 |
1985 | 医師免許取得 |
1985 | ECFMG(米国海外医学部卒業認定資格)取得 |
1993 | 医学博士(自治医科大学) |
- 評議員 (2003–)
- 常任幹事 (2008–18)
- 生理学用語委員 (2008–14; 代委員2015–)
- 学術研究委員 (2008–16)
- 次期理事長推薦委員 (2018–20)
- FAOPS2019組織委員・プログラム委員会副委員長 (2014–20)
- ホームページ編集小委員会(委員長) (2006–10)
- 情報基盤整備委員会(委員長) (2009–16)、研究体制他学会連携委員会(委員長) (2017–)
- 理事 (2008–)、 副庶務理事 (2011–13)、広報理事 (2014–16)
- 第38回大会長(2015)
- 会長 (2020–)
- 評議員 (2012–)、将来構想委員 (2014-、委員長2017–18)
- 運営会議委員 (2016–)
- 連携会員(2017–)、神経科学分科会(副委員長2017–)、機能医科学分科会(副委員長2017–)
Society for Neuroscience
- Regular Member (1995–)
- 脳科学研究戦略推進プログラム プログラムオフィサー (2010–16)
- 大学設置分科会 専門委員 (2014–17)
- 大学設置分科会 設置計画履行状況等調査委員 (2017–18)
- 若手科学者賞審査部会委員 (2017–)
- 科研費審査委員(特別推進・基盤・研究活動スタート支援・国際共同研究加速)
- 脳科学研究戦略推進プログラム プログラムスーパーバイザー (2016–)
- 戦略的創造研究推進事業(さきがけ) 領域アドバイザー (2009-15)
- 成茂神経科学助成基金、時實利彦記念脳研究助成基金、内藤記念科学振興財団、ノバルティス科学振興財団、東洋紡バイオテクノロジー財団等
- Cerebellum Editorial board (2006–)
- Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience Review Editor (2008–)
- European Journal of Neuroscience Contributing Editor (2008–)
- Neuroscience Research Editorial board (2009–)
- Journal of Physiology Editor (2015–2021)
- 認定NPO法人 うりずん(在宅小児医療)理事(2012–)
- 認定NPO法人 サバイバルネット・ライフ 賛助会員(2012–)
- 認定NPO法人 ザンビアの辺地医療を支援する会 賛助会員(2014–)
- NPO法人 脳の世紀推進会議正会員(2015–)
- Nozawa K, Sogabe T, Hayashi A, Motohashi J, Miura E, Arai I, Yuzaki M*. In vivo nanoscopic landscape of neurexin ligands underlying anterograde synapse specification. Neuron, 110:3168-3185, 2022.
- Ojima K, Kakegawa W, Yamasaki T, Miura Y, Itoh M, Michibata Y, Kubota R, Doura T, Miura E, Nonaka H, Mizuno S, Takahashi S, Yuzaki M*, Hamachi I*, Kiyonaka S* Coordination chemogenetics for activation of GPCR-type glutamate receptors in brain tissue. Nat Commun 13: 3167 (2022). (*Co-corresponding authors)
- Suzuki K†, Elegheert J†, Song I†, Sasakura H†, Senkov O, Matsuda K, Kakegawa W, Clayton AJ, Chang VT, Ferrer-Ferrer M, Miura E, Kaushik R,Ikeno M, Morioka Y, Takeuchi Y, Shimada T, Otsuka S, Stoyanov S, Watanabe M, Takeuchi K, Dityatev A*, Aricescu AR*, Yuzaki M** . A synthetic synaptic organizer protein restores glutamatergic neuronal circuits. Science 369:eabb4853, 2020. (†Co-first, *Co-corresponding, **Lead author)
- Ibata K, Kono M, Narumi S, Motohashi J, Kakegawa W, Kohda K, Yuzaki M. Activity-dependent secretion of synaptic organizer Cbln1 from lysosomes in granule cell axons. Neuron, 102:1184-1198, 2019.
- Kakegawa W, Katoh A, Narumi S, Miura E, Motohashi J, Takahashi A, Kohda K, Fukazawa Y, Yuzaki M**, Matsuda S*. Optogenetic Control of Synaptic AMPA Receptor Endocytosis Reveals Roles of LTD in Motor Learning.Neuron 99:985-998, 2018. (*Co-corresponding authors; **Lead author).
- Elegheert J, Kakegawa W, Clay JE, Shanks N, Behiels E, Matsuda K, Kohda K, Miura E, Rossmann M, Mitakidis N, Motohashi J, Chang VT, Siebold C, Greger IH, Nakagawa T, Yuzaki M*, Aricescu AR*. Structural basis for integration of GluD receptors within synaptic organizer complexes. Science, 353:295-299, 2016. (*co-corresponding author).
- Kiyonaka S, Kubota R, Michibata Y, Sakakura M, Takahashi H, Numata T, Inoue R, Yuzaki M, Hamachi I. Allosteric activation of membrane-bound glutamate receptors using coordination chemistry within living cells. Nature Chemistry, 8 :958-967, 2016.
- Matsuda K, Budisantoso T, Mitakidis N, Sugaya Y, Miura E, Kakegawa W, Yamasaki M, Konno K, Uchigashima M, Abe M, Watanabe I, Kano M, Watanabe M, Sakimura K, Aricescu AR, Yuzaki M. Trans-synaptic modulation of kainate receptor functions by C1q-like proteins. Neuron, 90:752-767, 2016.
- Kakegawa W, Mitakidis N, Miura E, Abe M, Matsuda K, Takeo YH, Kohda K, Motohashi J, Takahashi A, Nagao S, Muramatsu SI, Watanabe M, Sakimura K, Aricescu AR, Yuzaki M. Anterograde C1ql1 signaling is required in order to determine and maintain a single-winner climbing fiber in the mouse cerebellum. Neuron, 85:316-329, 2015.
- Matsuda S, Kakegawa W, Budisantoso T, Nomura T, Kohda K, Yuzaki M. Stargazin regulates AMPA receptor trafficking through adaptor protein complexes during long-term depression. Nature Commun. 4:2759, 2013.
- Ito-Ishida A, Miyazaki T, Miura E, Matsuda K, Watanabe M, Yuzaki M*, Okabe S*. Presynaptically released Cbln1 induces dynamic axonal structural changes by interacting with GluD2 during cerebellar synapse formation.Neuron, 76:549-564, 2012. (*co-corresponding author).
- Unoki T, Matsuda S, Kakegawa W, Van UT, Kohda K, Suzuki A, Funakoshi Y, Hasegawa H, Yuzaki M*, Kanaho Y. NMDA receptor-mediated PIP5K activation to produce PI(4,5)P2 is essential for AMPA receptor endocytosis during LTD.Neuron, 73: 135-148, 2012. (*co-corresponding author)
- Kakegawa W, Miyoshi Y, Hamase, K, Matsuda S, Matsuda K, Kohda K, Emi K, Motohashi J, Konno R, Zaitsu K, Yuzaki M. D-Serine regulates cerebellar LTD and motor coordination through the delta2 glutamate receptor.Nature Neurosci., 14: 603-611, 2011.
- Jitsuki S, Takemoto K, Kawasaki T, Tada H, Takahashi A, Becamel C, Sano A, Yuzaki M, Zukin RS, Ziff EB, Kessels HW, Takahashi T. Serotonin mediates cross-modal reorganization of cortical circuits.Neuron, 69: 780-92, 2011.
- Matsuda K, Miura E, Miyzaki T, Kakegawa W, Emi K, Narumi S, Fukazawa Y, Ito-Ishida A, Kondo T, Shigemoto R, Watanabe M, Yuzaki M. Cbln1 is a ligand for an orphan glutamate receptor δ2, a bidirectional synapse organizer.Science, 328: 363-368, 2010.
- Matsuda S, Miura E, Matsuda K, Kakegawa W, Kohda K, Watanabe M, Yuzaki M. Accumulation of AMPA Receptors in Autophagosomes in Neuronal Axons Lacking Adaptor Protein AP-4.Neuron, 57: 1-16, 2008.
- Hirai H, Pang Z, Bao D, Miyazaki T, Li L, Miura E, Parris J, Rong Y, Watanabe W, Yuzaki M*, Morgan JI. Cbln1 is essential for synaptic integrity and plasticity in the cerebellum.Nature Neurosci., 8: 1534-1541, 2005. (*co-corresponding author)
- Hirai H, Launey T, Mikawa S, Torashima T, Yanagihara D, Kasaura T, Miyamoto A, Yuzaki M. New role of δ2-glutamate receptors in AMPA receptor trafficking and cerebellar function.Nature Neurosci., 6: 869-876, 2003.
- Kohda K, Wang Y, Yuzaki M. Mutation of a glutamate receptor motif reveals its role in gating and δ2 receptor channel properties.Nature Neurosci., 3: 315-322, 2000.
- Yuzaki M, Forrest D, Curran T, Connor JA. Selective activation of calcium permeability by aspartate in Purkinje cells.Science, 273: 1112-1114, 1996.
- Forrest D, Yuzaki M, Soares HD, Ng L, Luk DC, Sheng M, Stewart CL, Morgan JI, Connor JA, Curran T. Targeted disruption of NMDA receptor 1 gene abolishes NMDA response and results in neonatal death.Neuron, 13: 325-338, 1994.
- Miyazaki S, Yuzaki M, Nakada K, Shirakawa H, Nakanishi S, Nakade S, Mikoshiba K. Block of Ca2+ wave and Ca2+ oscillation by antibody to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in fertilized hamster eggs.Science, 257: 251-255, 1992.