
Willkommen im Yuzaki Lab
  • Yuzuzaki Laboratory ist ein Forschungszentrum für Humanbiologie - Microbiota - Quantum Computational Research (Keio University)WPI-Bio2q) wurde auf verlegt
  • Konzentration auf synaptische Bildungsmechanismen im Zentralnervensystem, das periphere Nervensystem, das autonome Nervensystem und das enterische Nervensystem、Wir wollen die Verknüpfung zwischen dem Nervensystem und mehreren Organen und der durch das Versagen verursachten Pathologie klären und Behandlungsmethoden entwickeln.
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Journal Club
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Journal Club

2025.02.17 Journal Club (Ishikawa)

Visual experience reduces the spatial redundancy between cortical feedback inputs and primary visual cortex neurons
Neuron (2024)112(19):3329-3342.. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.07.009. Epub 2024 Aug 12.

Rodrigo F Dias , Radhika Rajan , Margarida Baeta , Beatriz Belbut , Tiago Marques , Leopoldo Petreanu

Gepostet auf 02/16/2025 1:12 PM

2025.2.10 Journal Club (Thomas)

“Periodic ER-plasma membrane junctions support long-range Ca2+ signal integration in dendrites.” Cell vol. 188,2 (2025): 484-500.e22. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2024.11.029 Benedetti, Lorena et al.

Gepostet auf 02/10/2025 11:44 BIN

2025.1.27 Journal Club (Arai)

Nat Commun. 2024 Dec 12;15(1):10340. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-53901-2.
Membrane potential states gate synaptic consolidation in human neocortical tissue
Mittermaier and Geiger et al.

Gepostet auf 01/27/2025 8:34 BIN

2025/1/20 Journal Club (Shiozaki)

Defects in hair cells disrupt the development of auditory peripheral circuitry

Bottom, R.T., Xu, Y., Siebald, C. et al. Defects in hair cells disrupt the development of auditory peripheral circuitry. Nat Commun 15, 10899 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-55275-x

Gepostet auf 01/18/2025 9:14 PM

20256. Januar 2019 Journal Club (Matsuda)


Gepostet auf 01/04/2025 5:25 PM

2024/12/16 Journal Club (Haowei li)

Hypothalamic deep brain stimulation augments walking after spinal cord injury.

Cho, N., Squair, J.W., Aureli, V. et al.
Nat Med 30, 3676–3686 (2024).

Gepostet auf 12/14/2024 8:14 PM

2024/12/2 Journal Club (Takasugi)

Role of TMEM100 in mechanically insensitive nociceptor un-silencing.

Nees, T.A., Wang, N., Adamek, P. et al. Nat Commun 14, 1899 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-37602-w

Gepostet auf 12/02/2024 3:38 PM

2024/1125 Journal Glub(A.ishikawa)

NMDA receptors regulate the firing rate set point
of hippocampal circuits without altering
single-cell dynamics

. 2024 Nov 5:S0896-6273(24)00735-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.10.014. Online ahead of print.


Gepostet auf 11/24/2024 8:06 PM

2024/11/18 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

Proton-triggered rearrangement of the AMPA receptor N-terminal domains impacts receptor kinetics and synaptic localization.

Ivica J, Kejzar N, Ho H, Stockwell I, Kuchtiak V, Scrutton AM, Nakagawa T, Greger IH.

Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2024 Oct;31(10):1601-1613. doi: 10.1038/s41594-024-01369-5. Epub 2024 Aug 13.

PMID: 39138332



Gepostet auf 11/15/2024 5:03 PM

2024/10/28 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Endosomal hyper-acidification via proton-activated chloride channel delation in neurons impairs AMPA receptor endocytosis and LTD.

Kevin H. Chen, Junhua Yang, Bian Liu, Chaohua Jiang, Nicholas Koylass, Zhe Zhang, Shuying Sun, Richard Huganir, Zhaozhu Qiu: bioRxiv (posted September 30, 2024)

Gepostet auf 10/26/2024 9:13 PM

2024.10.7 Journal Club (Arai)


A dendritic substrate for temporal diversity of cortical inhibition

Annunziato Morabito, Yann Zerlaut, Dhanasak Dhanasobhon, Emmanuelle Berthaux, Alexandra Tzilivaki, Gael Moneron, Laurence Cathala, Panayiota Poirazi, Alberto Bacci, David DiGregorio, Joana Lourenço, Nelson Rebola
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.09.602783

Gepostet auf 10/07/2024 9:55 BIN

2024.9.30. Journal Club (Taku)

Hebbian instruction of axonal connectivity by endogenous correlated spontaneous activity

Matsumoto N, Barson D, Liang L, Crair MC.

Science 2024 Aug 16;385(6710):eadh7814. doi: 10.1126/science.adh7814. Epub 2024 Aug 16


Gepostet auf 09/27/2024 11:30 BIN

20242. September, Journal Club (Matsuda)


Gepostet auf 09/02/2024 9:52 PM

2024/08/26 Journal Club (Dilina)

Adaptation to photoperiod via dynamic neurotransmitter segregation

Maddaloni , Y. J. Chang , R. A. Senft & S. M. Dymecki

Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School

Nature. 632, pages 147–156 (2024); Published: August 1, 2024

PMID: 39020173 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07692-7


Gepostet auf 08/23/2024 5:16 PM

2024/8/5 Journal Club (Shiozaki)

Embryonically active piriform cortex neurons promote intracortical recurrent connectivity during development.

Wang DC, Santos-Valencia F, Song JH, Franks KM, Luo L.

Neuron. 2024 Jun 27:S0896-6273(24)00414-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.06.007. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38964330.

Gepostet auf 08/03/2024 8:26 PM

2024/7/29 Journal Club (Oishi)

Integrity of neural extracellular matrix is required for microglia-mediated synaptic remodeling.

C. Cangalaya, W. Sun, S. Stoyanov, I. R. Dunay, A. Dityatev,

GLIA, doi: 10.1002/glia.24588 (2024).

Gepostet auf 07/28/2024 7:05 PM

2024/7/1 Journal Club (Suyama)

GLP-1-directed NMDA receptor antagonism for obesity treatment

Jonas Petersen, Mette Q Ludwig, Vaida Juozaityte, et al.

Nature. 2024 Mai;629(8014):1133-1141.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07419-8


Gepostet auf 07/01/2024 6:25 BIN

2024/6/24 Journal Club (Takasugi)

The developmental timing of spinal touch processing alterations predicts behavioral changes in genetic mouse models of autism spectrum disorders.

Tasnim, A., Alkislar, I., Hakim, R. et al.

Nat Neurosci 27, 484–496 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01552-9

Gepostet auf 06/23/2024 9:21 PM

Journal club @ 2024-06-17 (T. Yamasaki)



山崎が担当の6/17のJournal clubは以下の論文を紹介させていただきます


Cell Rep. 2024 Jan 23, 43: 113634

Oligodendrocyte-derived LGI3 and its receptor ADAM23 organize juxtaparanodal Kv1 channel clustering for short-term synaptic plasticity

Miyazaki et al.,



Gepostet auf 06/13/2024 11:04 BIN

2024.06.03 Journal Club (M. Yuzaki)

Delta glutamate receptor conductance drives excitation of mouse dorsal raphe neurons
Stephanie C Gantz, Khaled Moussawi, Holly S Hake
eLife 2020;9:e56054.

LC-derived excitatory synaptic transmission to dorsal raphe serotonin neurons is inhibited by activation of alpha2-adrenergic receptors
Aleigha Gugel, Erik A Ingebretsen, Holly S Hake, Stephanie C Gantz
Neuropsychopharmacology 2024 Mai;49(6):1014-1023.

Gepostet auf 06/03/2024 12:37 BIN

2024/05/24 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

SynGAP regulates synaptic plasticity and cognition independently of its catalytic activity.

Araki Y, Rajkovich KE, Gerber EE, Gamache TR, Johnson RC, Tran THN, Liu B, Zhu Q, Hong I, Kirkwood A, Huganir R.

Science. 2024 Mar;383(6686):eadk1291. doi: 10.1126/science.adk1291. Epub 2024 Mar 1.

PMID: 38422154





Gepostet auf 05/24/2024 5:55 PM

2024/05/20 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Wang et al. (Dr. Bender group)

Neuron. 2024 Mai 1;112(9):1444-1455.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.01.029. Epub 2024 Feb 26.

Impaired cerebellar plasticity hypersensitizes sensory reflexes in SCN2A-associated ASD.

Gepostet auf 05/18/2024 6:22 PM

2024. 5. 13 Journal Club (Arai)

Neuron. 2024 Apr 26:S0896-6273(24)00248-4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.04.010.

Online ahead of print.

Specialized connectivity of molecular layer interneuron subtypes leads to disinhibition and synchronous inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje cells

Elizabeth P Lackey, Luis Moreira, Aliya Norton, Marie E Hemelt, Tomas Osorno, Tri M Nguyen, Evan Z Macosko, Wei-Chung Allen Lee, Court A Hull, Wade G Regehr

PMID: 38692278

Gepostet auf 05/13/2024 11:00 BIN

2024.4.15 Journal Club (Taku)

Jiaxing Li, Tania G. Miramontes, Tim Czopka & Kelly R. Monk

Synaptic input and Ca2+ activity in zebrafish oligodendrocyte precursor cells contribute to myelin sheath formation

Nature Neuroscience volume 27, pages219–231 (2024)

Gepostet auf 04/12/2024 8:32 PM

2024/4/1 Journal Cub (松田)


Gepostet auf 04/01/2024 9:14 BIN

2024/03/18 Journal Club (Dilina)

Interaction of an a-synuclein epitope with HLA- DRB1*15:01 triggers enteric features in mice reminiscent of prodromal Parkinson’s disease

Francesca Garretti, Connor Monahan, Nicholas Sloan, …, Ellen Kanter, Dritan Agalliu, David Sulzer

Neuron 111, 3397–3413; Published: November 1, 2023

PMID: 37597517 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.07.015

Gepostet auf 03/15/2024 1:28 PM

2024/3/11 Journal Club (Shiozaki)

Lateral olivocochlear neurons modulate cochlear responses to noise exposure

Austen A. Sitko1 *, Michelle M. Frank1 *, Gabriel E. Romero1 *, Lisa V. Goodrich1

1 Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA


Gepostet auf 03/08/2024 7:13 PM

2024/1/31 Journal Club (Oishi)

Circuit mechanism for suppression of frontal cortical ignition during NREM sleep

Bing Li, Chenyan Ma,Yun-An Huang, Xinlu Ding, Daniel Silverman, Changwan Chen, Dana Darmohray, Lihui Lu, Siqi Liu,Gabriel Montaldo, Alan Urban, and Yang Dan*


VOLUME 186, ISSUE 26, P5739-5750.E17, DECEMBER 21, 2023


Gepostet auf 01/31/2024 8:52 PM

2023/12/04 Journal Club (Takasugi)

DRG afferents that mediate physiologic and pathologic mechanosensation from the distal colon

Rachel L. Wolfson,1,2,3 Amira Abdelaziz,1,2 Genelle Rankin,1,2 Sarah Kushner,1,2 Lijun Qi,1,2 Ofer Mazor,1 Seungwon Choi,1,2 Nikhil Sharma,1,2,4 and David D. Ginty1,2,5,*


Gepostet auf 12/03/2023 10:17 PM

2023/11/20JC (Ishikawa)

The projection-specific signals that establish
functionally segregated dopaminergic synapses

Cell 2023 Aug 31;186(18):3845-3861.e24. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.07.023.

Akiko Terauchi, Patricia Yee,Erin M. Johnson-Venkatesh, David D. Ginty, Wei-Chung A. Lee,Hisashi Umemori

Gepostet auf 11/20/2023 12:46 BIN

2023/11/06 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

今回はシンガポールで行われたA Symposium on Neuroscience of Dementiaの内容をシェアします特にKeynote Lectureの一つDr. Hee-Sup Shinの講演について元となったいくつかの論文を紹介します

I will report on the proceedings ofA Symposium on the Neuroscience of Dementia,” which was recently held in Singapore. In particular, I will introduce the following two papers, on which the one of the keynote lectures by Dr. Hee-Sup Shin was based.
The resume will be distributed via Slack.

Key reference:
1.Hemispherically lateralized rhythmic oscillations in the cingulate-amygdala circuit drive affective empathy in mice.
Kim SW, Kim M, Baek J, Latchoumane CF, Gangadharan G, Yoon Y, Kim DS, Lee JH, Shin HS.
Neuron. 2023 Feb 1;111(3):418-429.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.11.001.PMID: 36460007

2.A Missense Variant at the Nrxn3 Locus Enhances Empathy Fear in the Mouse.
Keum S, Kim A, Shin JJ, Kim JH, Park J, Shin HS.
Neuron. 2018 Mai 2;98(3):588-601.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.03.041. PMID: 29681532

Gepostet auf 11/05/2023 4:35 PM

2023/10/16 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

A Noelin-organized extracellular network of proteins required for constitutive and context-dependent anchoring of AMPA-receptors.

Boudkkazi S, Schwenk J, Nakaya N, Brechet A, Kollewe A, Harada H, Bildl W,

Kulik A, Dong L, Sultana A, Zolles G, Schulte U, Tomarev S, Fakler B.

Neuron. 2023 Aug 16;111(16):2544-2556.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.07.013. PMID: 37591201

Gepostet auf 10/13/2023 5:19 PM

2023. 8. 28 Journal Club (Arai)

Nat Commun. 2023 Mai 30;14(1):3113. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-38854-2.

Afferent convergence to a shared population of interneuron AMPA receptors

Reagan L Pennock, Luke T Coddington, Xiaohui Yan, Linda Overstreet-Wadiche, Jacques I Wadiche

PMID: 37253743

Gepostet auf 08/28/2023 8:22 BIN

Journal club @ 2023-07-24 by T. Yamasaki

I’d like to introduce the following paper published in Nature.

Inhibitory input directs astrocyte morphogenesis through glial GABABR


Gepostet auf 07/21/2023 2:20 PM

2023/7/10 Journal Club (Taku)

Developmental Cell Available online 7 Juni 2023

Fujimoto S, Imai T et al.,

Activity-dependent local protection and lateral inhibition control synaptic competition in developing mitral cells in mice

PMID: 37290446

Gepostet auf 07/07/2023 5:17 PM

Journal Club (Takano)

Spatially Resolved Proteomic Profiling Uncovers Structural and Functional Regulators of the Axon Initial Segment

bioRxiv, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.06.531334v1

Gepostet auf 07/03/2023 2:48 PM

2023/06/12 Journal Club (Dilina)

A serotonergic axon-cilium synapse drives nuclear signaling to alter chromatin accessibility

Shu-Hsien Sheu, Srigokul Upadhyayula, …, David E. Clapham
Cell 185, 18; Published. 2022 Sep 1;
PMCID: PMC9789380 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.07.026

Gepostet auf 06/09/2023 2:31 PM

2023/6/5 Journal Club Shiozaki

Neurotrophin-3 regulates ribbon synapse density in the cochlea and induces synapse regeneration after acoustic trauma

eLife, https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.03564

Gepostet auf 06/05/2023 9:02 BIN

2023/05/15 Journal Club (Oishi)

Cortico-cortical feedback engages active dendrites in visual cortex

Mehmet Fişek, Dustin Herrmann, Alexander Egea-Weiss, Matilda Cloves, Lisa Bauer, Tai-Ying Lee, Lloyd E. Russell & Michael Häusser

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06007-6

Gepostet auf 05/12/2023 1:08 PM

2023/05/08 Journal Club (Suyama)

UBE3A and transsynaptic complex NRXN1-CBLN1-GluD1 in a hypothalamic VMHvl-arcuate feedback circuit regulates aggression

Yi Nong, David C. Stoppel, Mark A. Johnson, Morgane Boillot, Jelena Todorovic, Jason Shen, Xinyu Zhou, Monica J.S. Nadler, Carrie Rodriguez, Yuda Huo, Ikue Nagakura, Ekkehard M. Kasper, Matthew P. Anderson
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.02.28.530462

Gepostet auf 05/08/2023 10:11 BIN

2023/05/01 Journal Club (Takasugi)

γ-Protocadherins control synapse formation and peripheral branching of touch sensory neurons

Shan Meltzer, Katelyn C. Boulanger, Anda M. Chirila, Emmanuella Osei-Asante, Michelle DeLisle, Qiyu Zhang, Brian T. Kalish, Aniqa Tasnim, Erica L. Huey, Leah C. Fuller, Erin K. Flaherty, Tom Maniatis, Andrew M. Garrett, Joshua A. Weiner, David D. Ginty.

Gepostet auf 04/28/2023 7:07 PM

2023/04/17 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Climbing fiber multi-innervation of mouse Purkinje dendrites with arborization common to human.
Silas E. Busch and Christian Hansel, bioRxiv (April 6 2023)

Gepostet auf 04/15/2023 2:48 PM

2023/04/10 Journal Club (Ishikawa)

Cardiogenic control of affective behavioural state.

Brian Hsueh et al., Nature 615, pages292–299 (2023)

Gepostet auf 04/09/2023 8:35 PM

2023/03/20 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Engineered adhesion molecules drive synapse organization.
W Dylan Hale, Thomas C Südhof, Richard L Huganir
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 120(3):e2215905120, 2023.


Engineered synaptic tools reveal localized cAMP signaling in synapse assembly
Richard Sando, Milan Lyndie Ho, Xinran Liu, Thomas C. Südhof
J Cell Biol (2022) 221 (2): e202109111.

Gepostet auf 03/19/2023 3:00 PM

2023/03/13 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

β2-microglobulin functions as an endogenous NMDAR antagonist to impair synaptic function.
Gao Y, Hong Y, Huang L, Zheng S, Zhang H, Wang S, Yao Y, Zhao Y, Zhu L, Xu Q, Chai X, Zeng Y,
Zeng Y, Zheng L, Zhou Y, Luo H, Zhang X, Zhang H, Zhou Y, Fu G, Sun H, Huang TY, Zheng Q, Xu H, Wang X.
Cell. 2023 Mar 2;186(5):1026-1038.e20. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2023.01.021.
PMID: 36868208



Gepostet auf 03/10/2023 6:20 PM

2023/03/06 Journal Club (Arai)

Nat Commun. 2023 Jan 16;14(1):244.

mGluR5 is transiently confined in perisynaptic nanodomains to shape synaptic function
Nicky Scheefhals, Manon Westra, Harold D MacGillavry

doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35680-w.

PMID: 36646691

Gepostet auf 03/05/2023 9:48 PM

2023/02/20 Journal Club, Tokiwa Yamasaki



Subunit composition, molecular environment, and activation of native TRPC channels encoded by theirinteractomes

Kollewe et al.,Neuron, 2022



Gepostet auf 02/20/2023 11:11 BIN

2月13日 Journal Club 松田


Gepostet auf 02/13/2023 12:18 PM

2023/1/23 Journal Club (L. Ohgaki)

Dendrite Self-Avoidance Requires Cell-Autonomous Slit/Robo Signaling in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells

Daniel A. Gibson, Stephen Tymanskyj, Rachel C. Yuan, Haiwen C. Leung, Julie L. Lefebvre, Joshua R. Sanes, Alain Che ́ dotal, and Le Ma


Gepostet auf 01/20/2023 1:02 PM

2022/12/12 Journal Club (Taku)

Synaptic pruning through glial synapse engulfment upon motor learning

Yosuke M. Morizawa, Mami Matsumoto, Yuka Nakashima, Narumi Endo, Tomomi Aida, Hiroshi Ishikane, Kaoru Beppu, Satoru Moritoh, Hitoshi Inada, Noriko Osumi, Eiji Shigetomi, Schuichi Koizumi, Guang Yang, Hirokazu Hirai, Kohichi Tanaka, Kenji F. Tanaka, Nobuhiko Ohno, Yugo Fukazawa & Ko Matsui., Nature Neuroscience, Nov;25(11):1458-1469. (2022)

doi: 10.1038/s41593-022-01184-5.

PMID: 36319770

Gepostet auf 12/09/2022 4:46 PM

2022/11/14 Journal Club (Dilina)

The gut-to-brain axis for toxin-induced defensive responses

Zhiyong Xie, Xianying Zhang, Miao Zhao, …, Fengchao Wang, Congping Shang, Peng Cao

Cell 185, 1–19; Published online. 2022 Oct 25;

PMID: 36323317 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.10.001

Gepostet auf 11/11/2022 2:32 PM

2022/11/7 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Programmable RNA sensing for cell monitoring and manipulation

Yongjun Qian, Jiayun Li, Shengli Zhao, Elizabeth A Matthews, Michael Adoff, Weixin Zhong, Xu An, Michele Yeo, Christine Park, Xiaolu Yang, Bor-Shuen Wang, Derek G Southwell, Z Josh Huang.

Nature 2022 Oct;610(7933):713-721. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-05280-1. Epub 2022 Oct 5.

PMID: 36198803

Gepostet auf 11/04/2022 2:48 PM

2022/10/31 Journal Club (Oishi)

Neuron, Volume 110, Issue 9, 2022, Pages 1532-1546.e4.

Differential dendritic integration of long-range inputs in association cortex via subcellular changes in synaptic AMPA-to-NMDA receptor ratio

Mathieu Lafourcade, Marie-Sophie H. van der Goes, Dimitra Vardalaki, Norma J. Brown, Jakob Voigts, Dae Hee Yun, Minyoung E. Kim, Taeyun Ku, Mark T. Harnett

1Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
2Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Picower Institute for Learning & Memory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.01.025

Gepostet auf 10/27/2022 1:29 PM

2022/9/5 Journal Club (Suyma)

Nature 609: 374–380. Published online 13 Juli 2022
Dopamine subsystems that track internal states.
Grove JCR, Gray LA, La Santa Medina N, Sivakumar N, Ahn JS, Corpuz TV, Berke JD, Kreitzer AC, Knight ZA
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04954-0

Gepostet auf 09/05/2022 9:38 BIN

2022/8/15 Jounal Club (L. Ohgaki)

Developmental Cell. Posted July 11, 2022.

Dendtites use mechanosensitive channels to proofread ligand-mediated neurite extension during morphogenesis.

Li Tao, Sean Coakley, Rebecca Shi, Kang Shen

doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.devcel.2022.05.019

07/22/2022 6:36 PM | Journal Club

Gepostet auf 08/15/2022 2:11 PM

2022/07/25 Journal Club (Aimi.T)

bioRxiv.  Posted May 29, 2022.

Plasticity-induced actin polymerization in the dendritic shaft regulates intracellular AMPA receptor trafficking

V. C. Wong, P.R. Houlihan, H. Liu, D. Walpita, M.C. DeSantis, Z. Liu, and E. K. O’Shea

Janelia Research Campus, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA, 20147

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.05.29.493906

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.


Gepostet auf 07/22/2022 6:36 PM

2022/07/11 Journal Club

来週月曜日のJCでは以下の論文を紹介致しますCui L, et al., Neuron. 2022 Mar 2;110(5):809-823.e5.
Glutamate in primary afferents is required for itch transmission.
PMID: 34986325 doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.12.007. Epub 2022 Jan 4.宜しくお願い致します


Gepostet auf 07/11/2022 8:40 BIN

2022/07/04 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Cutando et al., Nature Neuroscience (2022) Jun 16 online

Cerebellar dopamine D2 receptors regulate social behaviors.

PMID: 35710984 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-022-01092-8


Gepostet auf 07/02/2022 12:48 BIN

2022/06/20 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

GluN3A excitatory glycine receptors control adult cortical and amygdalar circuits
Simon Bossi 1, Dhanasak Dhanasobhon 2, Graham C R Ellis-Davies 3, Jimena Frontera 1, Marcel de Brito Van Velze 2, Joana Lourenço 2, Alvaro Murillo 4, Rafael Luján 4, Mariano Casado 1, Isabel Perez-Otaño 5, Alberto Bacci 2, Daniela Popa 1, Pierre Paoletti 6, Nelson Rebola 7
Neuron 2022 Jun 10;S0896-6273(22)00457-3.

doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.05.016. Online ahead of print.

Gepostet auf 06/17/2022 10:25 BIN

2022/06/13 Journal Club (A. Ishikawa)

Emergent reliability in sensory cortical coding and inter-area communication
Sadegh Ebrahimi 1 2 3 4, Jérôme Lecoq 5 6 7 8, Oleg Rumyantsev 5 6 9, Tugce Tasci 5 6 10, Yanping Zhang 5 6 11, Cristina Irimia 5 6 7, Jane Li 5 7, Surya Ganguli 5 9,

2022 Mai;605(7911):713-721.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04724-y. Epub 2022 Mai 19.

Gepostet auf 06/12/2022 11:48 PM

2022/05/30 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

Compartmentalized dendritic plasticity during associative learning.
d’Aquin S, Szonyi A, Mahn M, Krabbe S, Gründemann J, Lüthi A.
Science. 2022 Apr 15;376(6590):eabf7052. doi: 10.1126/science.abf7052.
Epub 2022 Apr 15. PMID: 35420958

Gepostet auf 05/29/2022 1:18 PM

2022/5/16 Journal Club (Arai)

Neuron. 2022 Mai 4;110(9):1559-1572.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2022.01.028. Epub 2022 Feb 17.

A direct lateral entorhinal cortex to hippocampal CA2 circuit conveys social information required for social memory

Jeffrey Lopez-Rojas, Christopher A de Solis, Felix Leroy, Eric R Kandel, Steven A Siegelbaum

PMID: 35180391


Gepostet auf 05/15/2022 11:13 PM

2022/05/09 Journal Club, T. Yamasaki

The preference for sugar over sweetener depends on a gut sensor cell

Buchanan and Bohorquez et al., Nat Neuroscie, 2022


PMID: 35027761

Gepostet auf 05/06/2022 1:57 PM

2022/5/2 Journal Club 松田

Plasticity of neural connections underlying oxytocin-mediated parental behaviors of male mice

Available online 19 April 2022 In Press



Gepostet auf 04/30/2022 7:41 PM

2022/4/18 Journal Club(Takeo)

Sarah Cheng, Salwan Butrus, Liming Tan, Runzhe Xu, Srikant Sagireddy, Joshua T Trachtenberg, Karthik Shekhar, S Lawrence Zipursky

Vision-dependent specification of cell types and function in the developing cortex

Cell. 2022 Jan 20;185(2):311-327.e24. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.12.022.

PMID: 35063073

Gepostet auf 04/15/2022 3:19 PM

2022/3/14 Journal Club(Shiozaki)

ASH1L haploinsufficiency results in autistic-like phenotypes in mice and links Eph receptor gene to autism spectrum disorder

Yuze Yan, Miaomiao Tian, Meng Li,1 Gang Zhou, Qinan Chen, Mingrui Xu, Yi Hu, Wenhan Luo, Xiuxian Guo, Cheng Zhang, Hong Xie, Qing-Feng Wu, Wei Xiong, Shiguo Liu, and Ji-Song Guan

Neuron.2022 Jan 20;S0896-6273(21)01090-4. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.12.035.Online ahead of print.

Gepostet auf 03/13/2022 3:33 PM

2022/02/21 Journal Club (Dilina)

Visualizing Synaptic Dopamine Efflux with a 2D Nanofilm

Chandima Bulumulla, Andrew T. Krasley, Deepika Walpita, Abraham G. Beyene

bioRxiv, Posted January 22, 2022.

Gepostet auf 02/19/2022 11:08 PM

2022/02/12 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Stepwise synaptic plasticity events drive the early phase of memory consolidation

Goto A, Bota A, Miya K, Wang J, Tsukamoto S, Jiang X, Hirai D, Murayama M, Matsuda T, McHugh TJ, Nagai T, Hayashi Y.
Science. 2021 Nov 12;374(6569):857-863. doi: 10.1126/science.abj9195. Epub 2021 Nov 11.
PMID: 34762472

Gepostet auf 02/12/2022 4:10 PM

2022/1/24 Journal Club (Suyama)

Reverse-translational identification of a cerebellar satiation network

Aloysius Y T Low, Nitsan Goldstein, Jessica R Gaunt, Kuei-Pin Huang , Norliyana Zainolabidin, Alaric K K Yip, Jamie R E Carty, Ju Y Choi, Alekso M Miller, Helen S T Ho, Clara Lenherr, Nicholas Baltar, Eiman Azim, October M Sessions, Toh Hean Ch’ng, Amanda S Bruce, Laura E Martin , Mark A Halko, Roscoe O Brady Jr, Laura M Holsen, Amber L Alhadeff, Albert I Chen, J Nicholas Betley

Nature. 2021 Dec;600(7888):269-273. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04143-5. Epub 2021 Nov 17.

Gepostet auf 01/24/2022 7:50 BIN

2022/1/17 Journal Club (Takasugi)

A brain-to-spinal sensorimotor loop for repetitive self-grooming.
Xie Z, Li D, Cheng X, Pei Q, Gu H, Tao T, Huang M, Shang C, Geng D, Zhao M, Liu A, Zhang C, Zhang F, Ma Y, Cao P.
Neuron. 2021 Dec 15:S0896-6273(21)00989-2. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.11.028. Epub ahead of print.
PMID: 34932943.

Gepostet auf 01/17/2022 2:47 PM

2021/12/20 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Gomez-Castro et al., Science (Article) 5 Nov 2021, Vol 374, Issue 6568

Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development.


Gepostet auf 12/18/2021 11:06 PM

2021/12/13 Journal Club (Aimi)

Nature. 2021 Oct;598(7881):489-494.
Hominini-specific regulation of CBLN2 increases prefrontal spinogenesis
Mikihito Shibata, Kartik Pattabiraman, Sydney K Muchnik, Navjot Kaur, Yury M Morozov, Xiaoyang Cheng, Stephen G Waxman & Nenad Sestan
PMID: 34599306

※Related article in the same issue
Nature. 2021 Oct;598(7881):483-488.
Regulation of prefrontal patterning and connectivity by retinoic acid
Mikihito Shibata, Kartik Pattabiraman, Belen Lorente-Galdos, David Andrijevic, Suel-Kee Kim, Navjot Kaur, Sydney K. Muchnik, Xiaojun Xing, Gabriel Santpere, Andre M. M. Sousa & Nenad Sestan
PMID: 34599305

Gepostet auf 12/10/2021 5:42 PM

2021/11/15 Journal Club(Ishikawa)

Temporal controls over inter-areal cortical projection neuron fate diversity (nature)

Esther Klingler, Ugo Tomasello, Julien Prados, Justus M. Kebschull,
Alessandro Contestabile, Gregorio L. Galiñanes, Sabine Fièvre, Antonio Santinha,Randal Platt, Daniel Huber, Alexandre Dayer, Camilla Bellone & Denis Jabaudon, Published online: 9 November 2021

Gepostet auf 11/12/2021 2:53 PM

2021/11/08 Journal Club (M. Yuzaki)

Excitatory and inhibitory receptors utilize distinct post- and trans-synaptic mechanisms in vivo
Taisuke Miyazaki, Megumi Morimoto-Tomita, Coralie Berthoux, Kotaro Konno, Yoav Noam, Tokiwa Yamasaki, Matthijs Verhage, Pablo E Castillo, Masahiko Watanabe, Susumu Tomita.
eLife 2021;10:e59613

Gepostet auf 11/08/2021 2:55 BIN

2021/10/25 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

Synaptic correlates of associative fear memory in the lateral amygdala.

Choi DI, Kim J, Lee H, Kim JI, Sung Y, Choi JE, Venkat SJ, Park P, Jung H, Kaang BK.

Neuron. 2021 Sep 1;109(17):2717-2726.e3. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2021.07.003.

Epub 2021 Aug 6. PMID: 34363751


Gepostet auf 10/24/2021 11:47 BIN

2021/10/18 Journal Club (Arai)

Nat Commun. 2021 Aug 23;12(1):5083.
AMPA receptor anchoring at CA1 synapses is determined by N-terminal domain and TARP γ8 interactions
Jake F Watson, Alexandra Pinggera, Hinze Ho, Ingo H Greger
PMID: 34426577 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-25281-4

Gepostet auf 10/17/2021 11:02 PM

Journal Club, 2021-09-06, T. Yamasaki

Hi all.

I’d like to present this paper published in Neuron.

Enhancing motor learning by increasing the stability of newly formed dendritic spines in the motor cortex.


Gepostet auf 09/03/2021 11:08 PM

2021/08/30 journal club (T.Imai)

Nat Neurosci. 2021 Jun;24(6):777-785. doi: 10.1038/s41593-021-00843-3. Epub 2021 Apr 29.

CaMKII activation persistently segregates postsynaptic proteins via liquid phase separation

Tomohisa Hosokawa, Pin-Wu Liu, Qixu Cai, Joana S Ferreira, Florian Levet , Corey Butler 5, Jean-Baptiste Sibarita ,Daniel Choquet, Laurent Groc, Eric Hosy, Mingjie Zhang, Yasunori Hayashi

PMID: 33927400 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-021-00843-3

Gepostet auf 08/31/2021 5:58 PM

2021/8/16 Journal Club (Ishida)

Anterior thalamic dysfunction underlies cognitive deficits in a subset of neuropsychiatric disease models: Neuron (cell.com)

Gepostet auf 08/16/2021 9:59 BIN

2121/7/19 Journal Club (Matsuda)


Gepostet auf 07/20/2021 4:18 PM

2021/7/12 Journal Club(Takeo)

Science. 2021 Jul 2;373(6550):77-81. doi: 10.1126/science.abf5273. PMID: 34210880

Astrocytes close the mouse critical period for visual plasticity

Jérôme Ribot, Rachel Breton, Charles-Félix Calvo, Julien Moulard, Pascal Ezan, Jonathan Zapata, Kevin Samama, Matthieu Moreau, Alexis-Pierre Bemelmans, Valentin Sabatet, Florent Dingli, Damarys Loew, Chantal Milleret, Pierre Billuart, Glenn Dallérac and Nathalie Rouach

Gepostet auf 07/09/2021 4:47 PM

2021/6/21 Journal Club(Shiozaki)

Female-specific synaptic dysfunction and cognitive impairment in a mouse model of PCDH19 disorder

Naosuke Hoshina, Erin M. Johnson-Venkatesh, Miyuki Hoshina, Hisashi Umemori

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaz3893

Gepostet auf 06/21/2021 9:24 BIN

2021/06/14 Journal Club (Ohgaki)

Brainwide Genetic Sparse Cell Labeling to Illuminate the Morphology of Neurons and Glia with Cre-Dependent MORF Mice

Matthew B. Veldman, Chang Sin Park, Charles M. Eyermann, Jason Y. Zhang, Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez, Arlene A. Hirano, Tanya L. Daigle, Nicholas N. Foster, Muye Zhu, Peter Langfelder, Ivan A. Lopez, Nicholas C. Brecha, S. Lawrence Zipursky, Hongkui Zeng, Hong-Wei Dong, X. William Yang

Neuron, Volume 108, Issue 1, 14 Oktober 2020, Pages 111-127. e6

Gepostet auf 06/14/2021 11:18 BIN

2021/05/31 Journal Club (Dilina)

Nanoscopic dopamine transporter distribution and conformation are inversely regulated by excitatory drive and D2-autoreceptor activity.

Matthew D. Lycas, Aske L. Ejdrup, Andreas T. Sørensen, Nicolai O. Haahr, Søren H. Jørgensen, Daryl A. Guthrie, Jonatan F. Støier, Christian Werner, Amy Hauck Newman, Markus Sauer, Freja Herborg, Ulrik Gether

bioRxiv, Posted March 10, 2021.

Gepostet auf 05/28/2021 11:06 BIN

2021/05/17 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Bioorthogonal labeling of transmembrane proteins with non-canonical amino acids allows access to masked epitopes in live neurons

Diogo Bessa-Neto, Alexander Kuhlemann, Gerti Beliu, Valeria Pecoraro, Sören Doose, Natacha Retailleau, Nicolas Chevrier, David Perrais, Markus Sauer, and Daniel Choquet
bioRxiv, Posted February 28, 2021.

Gepostet auf 05/14/2021 8:25 PM

2021/05/10 Journal Club (Suyama)

The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2021 Apr 13

Hunger-promoting AgRP neurons trigger an astrocyte-mediated feed-forward auto-activation loop in mice

Luis Varela, Bernardo Stutz, Jae Eun Song, Jae Geun Kim, Zhong-Wu Liu, Xiao-Bing Gao, and Tamas L. Horvath

DOI: 10.1172/JCI144239

Gepostet auf 05/10/2021 1:45 BIN

2021/04/19 Journal Club (Aimi)

bioRxiv. Posted March 25, 2021

Neural circuitry for maternal oxytocin release induced by infant cries

Silvana Valtcheva, Habon A. Issa, Kathleen A. Martin, Kanghoon Jung, Hyung-Bae Kwon and Robert C. Froemke

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.25.436883

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.

Gepostet auf 04/16/2021 10:09 PM

2021-01-25 Journal Club (Ayako Ishikawa)

Gepostet auf 04/09/2021 12:59 PM

2021/03/29 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Lee et al., Nature (Article). 2021 Feb;590(7847):612-617. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03060-3.

Astrocytes phagocytose adult hippocampal synapses for circuit homeostasis.

Gepostet auf 03/27/2021 12:09 BIN

Journal Club 03/15/2021 (M. Yuzaki)

Antidepressant drugs act by directly binding to TRKB neurotrophin receptors

Casarotto,…Eero Castrén

Cell 184:1299-1313, 2021 

Gepostet auf 03/15/2021 12:21 BIN

Journal Club 2021/03/08 (M. Itoh)

The amino-terminal domain of GluA1 mediates LTP maintenance via interaction with neuroplastin-65.

Jiang CH, Wei M, Zhang C, Shi YS.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Mar 2;118(9):e2019194118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2019194118.

PMID: 33627404


Gepostet auf 03/05/2021 6:29 PM

2021.2.15 Journal Club (Arai)

. 2021 Jan 6;109(1):123-134.e4.

doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.09.037. Epub 2020 Oct 22.

Relocation of an Extrasynaptic GABA A Receptor to Inhibitory Synapses Freezes Excitatory Synaptic Strength and Preserves Memory

Christopher M Davenport 1, Rajit Rajappa 1, Ljudmila Katchan 1, Charlotte R Taylor 1, Ming-Chi Tsai 1, Caleb M Smith 1, Johannes W de Jong 1, Don B Arnold 2, Stephan Lammel 1, Richard H Kramer 3

Gepostet auf 02/15/2021 8:29 BIN

2021-01-25 Journal Club (Tokiwa Yamasaki)

Gephyrin-mediated formation of inhibitory postsynaptic density sheet via phase separation


  • 1Division of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
  • 2Division of Life Science, State Key Laboratory of Molecular Neuroscience, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. mzhang@ust.hk.
  • 3Center of Systems Biology and Human Health, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. mzhang@ust.hk.

Gepostet auf 01/22/2021 9:51 PM

2021/01/18 journal club (T.Imai)


Gepostet auf 01/18/2021 11:36 BIN

2020年12月21日 Journal Club (Matsuda)


The HSPG Syndecan is a core organizer of cholinergic synapses in C. elegans
From Jean-Louis Bessereau Lab.

Gepostet auf 12/21/2020 12:00 BIN

2020/12/14 Journal Club (Takano)


Synapse type-specific proteomic dissection identifies IgSF8 as a hippocampal CA3 microcircuit organizer

Nuno Apóstolo 1,2, Samuel N. Smukowski3, Jeroen Vanderlinden1,2, Giuseppe Condomitti1,2, Vasily Rybakin4, Jolijn ten Bos 1,2, Laura Trobiani5, Sybren Portegies1,2, Kristel M. Vennekens1,2, Natalia V. Gounko 1,2,6, Davide Comoletti5,7, Keimpe D. Wierda1,2, Jeffrey N. Savas 3 & Joris de Wit 1,2

1 VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 2 KU Leuven, Department of Neurosciences, Leuven Brain Institute, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 3 Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL 60611, USA.
4 Immunobiology, REGA Institute, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. 5 School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. 6 Electron Microscopy Platform & VIB BioImaging Core, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven, Belgium. 7 Child Health Institute of New Jersey, and Departments of Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901, USA

Gepostet auf 12/14/2020 12:00 PM

2020/12/7 Review club (Aimi.T)

Structural Plasticity of Axon in Adult

Please check the PDF file in Review club folder.

Gepostet auf 12/07/2020 10:28 BIN

2020/11/9 Journal Club (Taku)

Available online 14 September 2020

Sensory Experience Engages Microglia to Shape Neural Connectivity through a Non-Phagocytic Mechanism

Lucas Cheadle, Samuel A Rivera, …, Michael E Greenberg

PMID: 32931754
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.08.002

Gepostet auf 11/06/2020 4:29 PM

2020/11/2 Journal Club(Shiozaki)

Nature NeuroscienceJuli 13, 2020

The endogenous neuronal complement inhibitor SRPX2 protects against complement-mediated synapse elimination during development

Qifei Cong, Breeanne M. Soteros, Mackenna Wollet, Jun Hee Kim, Gek Ming Sia



Gepostet auf 11/01/2020 11:11 BIN

2020/10/19 Journal Club (L. Ohgaki)

Role of Kalirin and mouse strain in retention of spatial memory training in an Alzheimer’s disease model mouse line

L Russo-Savage, VKS Rao, BA Eipper, RE Mains

Neurobiology of Aging, posted July 14th, 2020.


Gepostet auf 10/19/2020 11:53 BIN

2020/09/07 Journal Club (Dilina Tuough)

Neuromodulator Signaling Bidirectionally Controls VesicleNumbers in Human Synapses.

Christopher PatzkeMarisa M. Brockmann, Jinye Dai, …, Thomas C. Su ̈ dhof.

Gepostet auf 09/03/2020 1:06 PM

2020/8/30 Journal Club(Nozawa)

bioRxiv, posted August 21, 2020.
Astrocytic Neurexin-1 Orchestrates Functional Synapse Assembly
Justin H. Trotter, Zahra Dargaei, Markus Wöhr, Kif Liakath-Ali, Karthik Raju, Sofia Essayan-Perez, Amber Nabet, Xinran Liu, Thomas C. Südhof
doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.21.262097

Gepostet auf 08/30/2020 12:02 PM

2020/08/03 Review Club (I. Arai)

Membrane Surface Trafficking of Glutamate Receptors

Gepostet auf 08/03/2020 4:10 PM

2020/07/20 Journal Club (Suyama.S)

Pancreatic Islets Communicate With the Brain via Vagal Sensory Neurons
Madina Makhmutova, Jonathan Weitz, Alejandro Tamayo, Elizabeth Pereira, Joana Almaça, Rayner Rodriguez-Diaz, Alejandro Caicedo
bioRxiv 780395; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/780395

Gepostet auf 07/20/2020 7:02 BIN

2020/07/13 Journal Club (A.ishikawa)

Context-Dependent Decision Making in a Premotor Circuit
Zheng Wu , Ashok Litwin-Kumar, Philip Shamash , Alexei Taylor, Richard Axel , Michael N Shadlen
Neuron(2020) 106, 316-328
PMID: 32105611 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.01.034

Gepostet auf 07/12/2020 6:57 PM

2020/07/06 Journal Club (Aimi.T)

bioRxiv. Posted February 19, 2020

LTP induction boosts glutamate spillover by driving withdrawal of astroglia

Christian Henneberger, Lucie Bard, Aude Panatier, James P. Reynolds, Olga Kopach, Nikolay I. Medvedev, Daniel Minge, Michel K. Herde, Stefanie Anders, Igor Kraev, Janosch P. Heller, Sylvain Rama, Kaiyu Zheng, Thomas P. Jensen, Inmaculada Sanchez-Romero, Colin Jackson, Harald Janovjak, Ole Petter Ottersen, Erlend Arnulf Nagelhus, Stephane H.R. Oliet, Michael G. Stewart, U. Valentin Nägerl, Dmitri A. Rusakov

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/349233

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.

Gepostet auf 07/03/2020 1:44 PM

2020/6/22 Journal Club (Miura)

Ultrastructure of the axonal periodic scaffold reveals a braid-like organization of actin rings

Stéphane Vassilopoulos, Solène Gibaud, Angélique Jimenez, Ghislaine Caillol & Christophe Leterrier
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 5803 (2019) Cite this article

Gepostet auf 06/18/2020 11:28 BIN

2020/06/15 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Wang et al., Science 367, 688-694 (2020)
Microglia mediate forgetting via complement-dependent synaptic elimination.

Gepostet auf 06/12/2020 10:49 PM

2020/06/08 Review Club (M. Yuzaki)


see Resume in the Review Club folder.

Gepostet auf 06/08/2020 6:24 BIN

2020/06/01 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

Neuron 2020 Mar 18;105(6):1077-1093.e7.
doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.025. Epub 2020 Jan 14.
Amygdala Reward Neurons Form and Store Fear Extinction Memory
Xiangyu Zhang, Joshua Kim, Susumu Tonegawa
PMID: 31952856
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.025

Gepostet auf 05/29/2020 11:02 PM

2020/5/18 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Brain control of humoral immune responses amenable to behavioural modulation
Zhang X, Lei B, Yuan Y, Zhang L, Hu L, Jin S, Kang B, Liao X, Sun W, Xu F,
Zhong Y, Hu J, Qi H. Nature. 2020 Mai;581(7807):204-208. doi:
10.1038/s41586-020-2235-7. Epub 2020 Apr 29. PubMed PMID: 32405000.

Gepostet auf 05/16/2020 1:26 BIN

2020/5/11 Journal Club (Arai)

A synaptic circuit required for acquisition but not recall of social transmission of food preference

CY Wang, Z Liu, YH Ng & TC Sudhof

2020 Neuron (107) 1-14


Gepostet auf 05/08/2020 9:51 PM

2020/05/4 Journal Club (Bannai)

Review: Phase separation at the synapse

Xudong Chen, Xiandeng Wu, Haowei Wu & Mingjie Zhang
Nature Neuroscience volume 23, pages301–310(2020)


Gepostet auf 05/01/2020 8:15 PM

2020/04/27 Journal Club (Aimi)

bioRxiv. Posted November 13, 2019.

Rapid Ultrastructural Changes of PSD and Extrasynaptic Axon-spine Interface Membrane during LTP Induced in Single Dendritic Spine

Ye Sun, Michael Smirnov, Naomi Kamasawa, Rhoyei Yasuda

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/840629

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.

Gepostet auf 04/25/2020 11:15 PM

2020/04/20 Journal Club (Yamasaki)

Whole-Neuron Synaptic Mapping Reveals Spatially Precise Excitatory/Inhibitory Balance Limiting Dendritic and Somatic Spiking.

Iascone DM, Palleux F et al., Neuron 106; 1-13 (2020)



Gepostet auf 04/17/2020 3:33 PM

2020/4/13 Journal Club (Imai)

Cell Discov. 2020 Feb 25;6:8. doi: 10.1038/s41421-019-0139-1..

Structure and plasticity of silent synapses in developing hippocampal neurons visualized by super-resolution imaging.

Xu, Liu HJ, Qi L, Tao CL, Wang YJ, Shen Z, Tian CL, Lau PM, Bi GQ.

Gepostet auf 04/13/2020 4:43 PM

2020/3/30 Journal Club (Ishida)


Gepostet auf 03/29/2020 4:26 PM

2020/3/16 Journal Club (Motohashi)

Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 9;9(1):11571. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47964-1.

Efficient derivation of knock-out and knock-in rats using embryos obtained by in vitro fertilization.


Gepostet auf 03/14/2020 3:21 PM

2020/03/09 Journal Club(Takatsuto)

Neuron. 105 (1), 46-59.e3

2020 Jan 8

mGlu 2 and mGlu 3 Negative Allosteric Modulators Divergently Enhance Thalamocortical Transmission and Exert Rapid Antidepressant-like Effects

Max E Joffe, Chiaki I Santiago, Kendra H Oliver, James Maksymetz, Nicholas A Harris, Julie L Engers, Craig W Lindsley, Danny G Winder, P Jeffrey Conn.

Gepostet auf 03/06/2020 7:44 PM

2020/02/29 Journal Club(Nozawa)

Neuron. 2019 Nov 20;104(4):693-710.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.08.014. Epub 2019 Sep 23.
Distinct Nanoscale Calcium Channel and Synaptic Vesicle Topographies Contribute to the Diversity of Synaptic Function.
Rebola N, Reva M, Kirizs T, Szoboszlay M, Lőrincz A, Moneron G, Nusser Z, DiGregorio DA.

Gepostet auf 02/29/2020 12:28 PM

2020/02/10 Journal Club (Suyama)

Two genetically, anatomically and functionally distinct cell types segregate across anteroposterior axis of paraventricular thalamus.

Claire Gao, Yan Leng, Jun Ma, Victoria Rooke, Shakira Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Charu Ramakrishnan, Karl Deisseroth & Mario A. Penzo
Nature Neuroscience volume 23, pages217–228(2020)

Gepostet auf 02/10/2020 12:04 BIN

2020/02/03 Journal Club (Aimi)

bioRxiv. Posted January 06, 2020.

Mesophasic organization of GABAA receptors in hippocampal inhibitory synapse

Yun-Tao Liu, Chang-Lu Tao, Xiaokang Zhang, Lei Qi, Rong Sun, Pak-Ming Lau, Hong Zhou, Guo-Qiang Bi

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.06.895425

This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review.

Gepostet auf 01/30/2020 8:53 PM

JC on 2020.1.20 by Ishikawa

Neuron. 2019 Dec 26. pii: S0896-6273(19)31047-5. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2019.12.005. [Epub ahead of print]

Cortical Synaptic AMPA Receptor Plasticity during Motor Learning.

Roth RH1, Cudmore RH2, Tan HL1, Hong I1, Zhang Y3, Huganir RL4.

Gepostet auf 01/20/2020 9:12 BIN

2019/12/02 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

2019/12/02 Journal Club (M. Itoh)

Science 2019 Oct 11

Shisa7 is a GABAA receptor auxiliary subunit controlling benzodiazepine actions.

Han W, Li J, Pelkey KA, Pandey S, Chen X, Wang YX, Wu K, Ge L, Li T,

Castellano D, Liu C, Wu LG, Petralia RS, Lynch JW, McBain CJ, Lu W.


Gepostet auf 11/29/2019 9:52 PM

2019/11/18 Journal Club(Shikanai)

2019/11/18 Journal Club(Shikanai)

Axoglial Adhesion by Cadm4 Regulates CNS Myelination.


Gepostet auf 11/15/2019 7:22 PM

journal club on 11/11, 2019 I. Arai

Neuron. 2019 Sep 19

An ER Assembly Line of AMPA-Receptors Controls Excitatory Neurotransmission and Its Plasticity.

Schwenk J, Boudkkazi S, Fakler B et al.


PMID: 31604597


Gepostet auf 11/09/2019 7:07 PM

Journal Club Tokiwa Yamasaki (2019-08-26)


Gepostet auf 08/14/2019 1:01 PM

2019/8/5 Journal Club (Ishida)


Gepostet auf 08/01/2019 10:03 BIN

2019年7月22日 Journal Club 松田


Gepostet auf 07/22/2019 12:19 BIN

2019/7/8 Journal Club (Miura)

In vivo evidence for dysregulation of mGluR5 as a biomarker of suicidal ideation

Margaret T. Davis, Ansel Hillmer, Sophie E. Holmes, Robert H. Pietrzak, Nicole DellaGioia, Nabeel Nabulsi, David Matuskey, Gustavo A. Angarita, Richard E. Carson, John H. Krystal, and Irina Esterlis

PNAS Juni 4, 2019 116 (23) 11490-11495

Gepostet auf 07/05/2019 9:39 PM

2019/7/1 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Hafner, A.-S., Donlin-Asp, P. G., Leitch, B., Herzog, E., & Schuman, E. M. (2019).

Local protein synthesis is a ubiquitous feature of neuronal pre- and postsynaptic compartments.

Science, 364(6441), eaau3644. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aau3644

Gepostet auf 06/28/2019 5:29 PM

2019/6/17 Journal Club (Aimi)

Science. 2019 Apr 12;364(6436)

Ultrapotent chemogenetics for research and potential clinical applications.

Magnus CJ, Lee PH, Bonaventura J, Zemla R, Gomez JL, Ramirez MH, Hu X, Galvan A, Basu J, Michaelides M, Sternson SM.

PMID: 30872534

Gepostet auf 06/14/2019 6:58 PM

2019.6.10 Journal Club (Suyama)

Neuron. 2019;102:653–6.
The Paraventricular Hypothalamus Regulates Satiety and Prevents Obesity via Two Genetically Distinct Circuits
Li MM, Madara JC, Steger JS, Krashes MJ, Balthasar N, Campbell JN, et al. Neuron. Cell Press; 2019.

Journal club by Shigetomo Suyama

Gepostet auf 06/10/2019 11:38 BIN

2019.5.13 Journal Club (Bannai)

Cell Rep. 2019 Apr 16;27(3):658-665.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.03.041.
Simultaneous Live Imaging of Multiple Endogenous Proteins Reveals a Mechanism for Alzheimer’s-Related Plasticity Impairment.
Cook SG, Goodell DJ, Restrepo S, Arnold DB, Bayer KU.

Journal club by Hiroko Bannai

Gepostet auf 04/22/2019 3:35 PM

2019/04/07 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Orlandi C, Omori Y, Wang Y, Cao Y, Ueno A, Roux MJ, Condomitti G, de Wit J, Kanagawa M, Furukawa T, Martemyanov KA. Transsynaptic Binding of Orphan Receptor GPR179 to Dystroglycan-Pikachurin Complex Is Essential for the Synaptic Organization of Photoreceptors. Cell Rep. 2018 Oct 2;25(1):130-145.

Condomitti G, Wierda KD, Schroeder A, Rubio SE, Vennekens KM, Orlandi C, Martemyanov KA, Gounko NV, Savas JN, de Wit J. An Input-Specific Orphan Receptor GPR158-HSPG Interaction Organizes Hippocampal Mossy Fiber-CA3 Synapses. Neuron. 2018 Oct 10;100(1):201-215.

Gepostet auf 04/07/2019 3:00 PM

2019/3/18 Journal Club (Kono)

Cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the amygdalar cholecystokinin glutamatergic afferents to nucleus accumbens modulate depressive-like behavior

Gepostet auf 03/16/2019 8:33 PM

2019/03/11 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Fossati et al., EMBO Journal (2019) e99529

Pentraxin 3 regulates synaptic function by inducing AMPA receptor clustering via ECM remodeling and beta1-integrin.

Gepostet auf 03/01/2019 9:13 PM

2019/02/04 Journal Club (Motohashi)

Front. Behav. Neurosci., 14 Juni 2010 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2010.00029
Naoki Matsuo, Keizo Takao, Kazuo Nakanishi, Nobuyuki Yamasaki, Koichi Tanda and Tsuyoshi Miyakawa

Gepostet auf 02/04/2019 10:20 BIN

2019/1/21 Journal club by Arai

Nature. 2018 Dec;564(7735):213-218
A circuit from hippocampal CA2 to lateral septum disinhibits social aggression.
Leroy F, Park J, Asok A, Brann DH, Meira T, Boyle LM, Buss EW, Kandel ER, Siegelbaum SA.

PMID: 30518859

Gepostet auf 01/20/2019 7:25 BIN

2019/01/07 Journal Club (Yamasaki)



Gepostet auf 01/04/2019 11:35 BIN

2018/11/19 Journal Club (Ishida)


Gepostet auf 11/16/2018 3:10 PM

2018年11月12日 Journal Club 松田


Gepostet auf 11/10/2018 11:26 PM

2018/11/05 Journal Club(Shikanai)

Regulation of striatal cells and goal-directed behavior by cerebellar outputs.

Xiao L1, Bornmann C1, Hatstatt-Burklé L1, Scheiffele P2.

Nat Commun. 2018 Aug 7;9(1):3133. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05565-y.

Gepostet auf 11/02/2018 2:59 PM

2018/9/10 Journal Club (Takatsuto)

Clptm1 Limits Forward Trafficking of GABAA Receptors to Scale Inhibitory Synaptic Strength.

Ge Y1, Kang Y1, Cassidy RM1, Moon KM2, Lewis R3, Wong ROL4, Foster LJ2, Craig AM5

Neuron. 2018 Feb 7;97(3):596-610.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.12.038. Epub 2018 Jan 25.

Gepostet auf 09/07/2018 5:44 PM

2018/08/31 Journal Club(Nozawa)

Graded control of climbing-fiber-mediated plasticity and learning by inhibition in the cerebellum.

Rowan MJM, Bonnan A, Zhang K, Amat SB, Kikuchi C, Taniguchi H, Augustine GJ, Christie JM.

Neuron. 2018 Aug 9. pii: S0896-6273(18)30598-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.07.024. [Epub ahead of print]

Gepostet auf 08/31/2018 2:00 PM

2018/8/27 Journal Club (Suyama)

Nikhil R. Gandasi, Peng Yin, Muhmmad Omar-Hmeadi, Emilia Ottosson Laakso, Petter Vikman, Sebastian Barg

Cell Metab. 2018 Feb 6;27(2):470-478.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2017.12.017.

Gepostet auf 08/26/2018 1:09 PM

2018/8/6 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Weinhard L, di Bartolomei G, Bolasco G, Machado P, Schieber NL, Neniskyte U, Exiga M, Vadisiute A, Raggioli A, Schertel A, Schwab Y, Gross CT.

Nat Commun. 2018 Mar 26;9(1):1228. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03566-5.

Microglia remodel synapses by presynaptic trogocytosis and spine head filopodia induction

Gepostet auf 08/03/2018 9:58 PM

2018/7/23 Journal Club (Aimi)

Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 2830 (2018)

Microglia permit climbing fiber elimination by promoting GABAergic inhibition in the developing cerebellum

Hisako Nakayama, Manabu Abe, Chie Morimoto, Tadatsune Iida, Shigeo Okabe, Kenji Sakimura & Kouichi Hashimoto

Gepostet auf 07/20/2018 10:57 PM

2018/07/09 Journal Club (Kono)

Triheteromeric GluN1/GluN2A/GluN2C NMDARs with Unique Single-Channel Properties Are the Dominant Receptor Poulation in Cerebellar Granule Cells


Gepostet auf 07/08/2018 2:52 PM

J-Club (Yuzaki) 06/24/2018

A Missense Variant at the Nrxn3 Locus Enhances Empathy Fear in the Mouse
Keum S, Kim A, Shin JJ, Kim JH, Park J, Shin HS. Neuron 98:588-601, 2018 (PMID: 29681532)

Gepostet auf 06/24/2018 11:25 PM

2018/06/11 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Adamsky et al.,

Astrocytic Activation Generates De Novo Neuronal Potentiation and Memory Enhancement.

Cell (2018) Online Now

Gepostet auf 06/08/2018 8:54 PM

2018/6/4 Journal Club (Miura)

Single-cell bioluminescence imaging of deep tissue in freely moving animals

Iwano et al.

Science 359, 935-939 (2018)



Gepostet auf 06/01/2018 7:42 PM

JC on 2018. 5. 28 (Arai)

Nat Neurosci. 2018 Mai;21(5):725-735. doi: 10.1038/s41593-018-0129-x. Epub 2018 Apr 16.

Locomotor activity modulates associative learning in mouse cerebellum.

Albergaria C, Silva NT, Pritchett DL, Carey MR.

Gepostet auf 05/27/2018 10:27 BIN

2018/05/14 Journal Club (Yamasaki)

Cell. 2018 Apr 19;173(3):735-748.e15. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.03.036.

Structural Basis for Teneurin Function in Circuit-Wiring: A Toxin Motif at the Synapse.

Li J, Shalev-Benami M, Sando R, Jiang X, Kibrom A, Wang J, Leon K, Katanski C, Nazarko O, Lu YC, Südhof TC, Skiniotis G, Araç D.


Gepostet auf 05/10/2018 1:15 PM

2018/05/07 Journal Club (Otsuka)

α-Actinin Anchors PSD-95 at Postsynaptic Sites.


Gepostet auf 05/06/2018 6:49 PM

2018/03/26 Journal Club (Kobayashi)

α Cell Function and Gene Expression Are Compromised in Type 1 Diabetes



Gepostet auf 03/23/2018 4:47 PM

2018年3月12日 Journal Club (Ishida)


Gepostet auf 03/09/2018 6:38 PM

2018年3月5日 Journal Club (松田)


Gepostet auf 03/04/2018 4:58 PM

2018/2/19 Jornal Club (Motohashi)

Etsuo A. Susaki, Hideki Ukai and Hiroki R. Ueda
npj Systems Biology and Applications (2017) 3:15 ; doi:10.1038/s41540-017-0015-2

Gepostet auf 02/16/2018 5:55 PM

2018/1/22 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Gorelik A, Sapir T, Haffner-Krausz R, Olender T, Woodruff TM, Reiner O

Nat Commun. 2017 Mai 2;8:15096. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15096.

Developmental activities of the complement pathway in migrating neurons.


Gorelik A, Sapir T, Woodruff TM, Reiner O

Front Cell Neurosci. 2017 Jun 16;11:169. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2017.00169. eCollection 2017.

Serping1/C1 Inhibitor Affects Cortical Development in a Cell Autonomous and Non-cell Autonomous Manner.


Gepostet auf 01/20/2018 7:57 PM

2018/1/15 Journal Club(Nozawa)

Neurexin controls plasticity of a mature, sexually dimorphic neuron.

Nature 553, 165–170 (11 Januar 2018)

Gepostet auf 01/13/2018 12:47 PM

2017/12/04 Journal Club (Aimi)

Neuron. 2017 Nov 15;96(4):897-909.

Enhanced AMPA Receptor Trafficking Mediates the Anorexigenic Effect of Endogenous Glucagon-like Peptide-1 in the Paraventricular Hypothalamus

PMID:29056294 DOI:10.1016/j.neuron.2017.09.042

Gepostet auf 12/01/2017 9:36 PM

2017/11/20 journal club (Kono)

Kinetics of releasable Synaptic Vesicles and Their plastic Changes at Hippocampal Mossy Fiber Synapses


Gepostet auf 11/17/2017 12:08 PM

2017/11/13 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Anderson et al. (Drs Sudhof/Malenka group), The Journal of Cell Biology (2017) 216, 3831-3846. PMID: 28972101

Postsynaptic adhesion GPCR latrophilin-2 mediates target recognition in entorhinal-hippocampal synapse assembly.


Gepostet auf 11/11/2017 3:12 PM

2017/11/06 Journal Club (Shikanai)

Cell Rep. 2016 Aug 30;16(9):2289-97

The Strip-Hippo Pathway Regulates Synaptic Terminal Formation by Modulating Actin Organization at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Synapses.
Chisako Sakuma, Yoshie Saito, Tomoki Umehara, Keisuke Kamimura, Nobuaki Maeda, Timothy J. Mosca, Masayuki Miura, and Takahiro Chihara

Gepostet auf 11/02/2017 2:45 PM

2017. 10. 30 Journal Club (by ARAI)

Nat Neurosci. 2017 Oct;20(10):1377-1383.

Selective inhibitory control of pyramidal neuron ensembles and cortical subnetworks by chandelier cells.

Lu J, Tucciarone J, Padilla-Coreano N, He M, Gordon JA, Huang ZJ

PMID: 28825718

(Supplementary materials are here)

Gepostet auf 10/29/2017 9:27 BIN

2017/9/11 journal club kobayashi

Adipocyte Dynamics and Reversible Metabolic Syndrome in Mice with an Inducible Adipocyte-Specific Deletion of the Insulin Receptor

M. Sakaguchi et al. Cell Metabolism 25, 4480462 (2017)

Gepostet auf 09/08/2017 3:59 PM

9/4/2017 Journal Club (Taku)

Neuron. 2017 Aug 2;95(3):531-549.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.06.029. Epub 2017 Jul 14.
Chai H, Diaz-Castro B, Shigetomi E, Monte E, Octeau JC, Yu X, Cohn W, Rajendran PS, Vondriska TM, Whitelegge JP, Coppola G, Khakh BS

Neural Circuit-Specialized Astrocytes: Transcriptomic, Proteomic, Morphological, and Functional Evidence.

See also Nature NEWS & VIEWS

Gepostet auf 09/01/2017 5:32 PM

2017/8/28 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Roy DS, Kitamura T, Okuyama T, Ogawa SK, Sun C, Obata Y, Yoshiki A, Tonegawa S.

Distinct Neural Circuits for the Formation and Retrieval of Episodic Memories.

Cell. 2017 Aug 24;170(5):1000-1012

Gepostet auf 08/27/2017 1:21 PM

2017/8/21 Journal Club (Ishida)

Ian Schmitt et al., Nature vol.545, 219 (2017)

Thalamic amplification of cortical connectivity sustains attentional control.


Gepostet auf 08/18/2017 6:50 PM

2017/7/24 Journal Club (Matsuda)


Gepostet auf 07/24/2017 10:42 BIN

2017/7/10 Journal Club (Miura)

Contacts between the endoplasmic reticulum and other membranes in neurons.

PNAS 2017 114 (24) E4859E4867; published ahead of print Mai 30, 2017, doi:10.1073/pnas.1701078114

Gepostet auf 07/10/2017 10:03 BIN

2017/07/03 Journal Club (Ibata)

Activation of cortical somatostatin interneurons prevents the development of neuropathic pain

Nature Neuroscience(2017)doi:10.1038/nn.4595 Published online 26 Juni 2017

Gepostet auf 07/02/2017 6:10 PM

2017/06/12 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Septal Cholinergic Neuromodulation Tunes the Astrocyte-Dependent Gating of Hippocampal NMDA Receptors to Wakefulness.

Neuron. 2017 Mai 17;94(4):840-854.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.04.021.

Gepostet auf 06/11/2017 7:44 PM

2017/05/22 Journal Club (Aimi)

Nat Commun. 2017 Apr 4;8:14912. doi: 10.1038/ncomms14912.

Genetic silencing of olivocerebellar synapses causes dystonia-like behaviour in mice

Gepostet auf 05/21/2017 5:45 PM

2017/05/15 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Temkin et al. (Dr. Malenka group), Neuron (2017) 94:74-82

The Retromer Supports AMPA Receptor Trafficking During LTP.

Gepostet auf 05/14/2017 12:54 PM

2017/5/8 Journal Club (Kono)

Assembly of excitatory synapses in the absence of glutamatergic neurotransmission

Richard Sando et al.

Neuron 94, 312-321, April 19, 2017




Gepostet auf 05/07/2017 8:56 BIN

2017/5/1 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Mark J. Wagner, Tony Hyun Kim, Joan Savall, Mark J. Schnitzer & Liqun Luo

Nature. 2017 Apr 6;544(7648):96-100. doi: 10.1038/nature21726. Epub 2017 Mar 20.

Cerebellar granule cells encode the expectation of reward.

(I will mainly talk about this.)


Andrea Giovannucci, Aleksandra Badura, Ben Deverett, Farzaneh Najafi, Talmo D Pereira, Zhenyu Gao, Ilker Ozden, Alexander D Kloth, Eftychios Pnevmatikakis, Liam Paninski, Chris I De Zeeuw, Javier F Medina & Samuel S-H Wang

Nat Neurosci. 2017 Mai;20(5):727-734. doi: 10.1038/nn.4531. Epub 2017 Mar 20.

Cerebellar granule cells acquire a widespread predictive feedback signal during motor learning.



Gepostet auf 05/01/2017 1:55 BIN

2017. 4. 17 Journal club by Arai

Nat Neurosci. 2017 Apr;20(4):529-539.

Metabotropic action of postsynaptic kainate receptors triggers hippocampal long-term potentiation.

Petrovic MM, Viana da Silva S, Clement JP, Vyklicky L, Mulle C, González-González IM, Henley JM.

PMID: 28192396

Gepostet auf 04/08/2017 2:11 PM

2017/3/13 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Optogenetic Control of Synaptic Composition and Function

Brooke L. Sinnen, Aaron B. Bowen, Jeffrey S. Forte, Brian G. Hiester, Kevin C. Crosby, Emily S. Gibson, Mark L. Dell’Acqua, and Matthew J. Kennedy
Neuron, 93(3):646-660.

Gepostet auf 03/12/2017 6:50 PM

2017/2/20 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Jin Li, Tamara Casteels, Thomas Frogne, …, Patrick Collombat, Jacob Hecksher-Sørensen, Stefan Kubicek
Artemisinins Target GABAA Receptor Signaling and Impair α Cell Identity
Cell 168, 86–100, 2017

Gepostet auf 02/20/2017 2:18 BIN


Actin Is Crucial for All Kinetically Distinguishable Forms of Endocytosis at Synapses

Xin-Sheng Wu,Sung Hoon Lee,Jiansong Sheng,Zhen Zhang5,,Wei-Dong Zhao,Dongsheng Wang,Yinghui Jin,Patrick Charnay,James M. Ervasti,Ling-Gang Wu
Neuron Volume 92, Issue 5, p1020–1035, 7 Dezember 2016

Gepostet auf 01/22/2017 5:48 PM

1/16/2017 Jurnal Club (Motohashi)

Jeffrey D Martell, Masahito Yamagata, Thomas J Deerinck, Sébastien Phan, Carolyn G Kwa, Mark H Ellisman, Joshua R Sanes & Alice Y Ting

A split horseradish peroxidase for the detection of intercellular protein–protein interactions and sensitive visualization of synapses

Nature Biotechnology34,774–780(2016)doi:10.1038/nbt.3563

Gepostet auf 01/12/2017 10:51 BIN

2016/12/12 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Bo Zhang and Thomas C. Südhof

J Neurosci. 2016 Aug 31;36(35):9070-83. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1356-16.2016.

Neuroligins Are Selectively Essential for NMDAR Signaling in Cerebellar Stellate Interneurons.


cf. Neuroligins Sculpt Cerebellar Purkinje-Cell Circuits by Differential Control of Distinct Classes of Synapses

Gepostet auf 12/10/2016 4:48 PM

2016/12/05 Journal Club (Aimi)

Neuron. 2016 Nov 4. pii: S0896-6273(16)30723-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.10.022. [Epub ahead of print]

Timing Rules for Synaptic Plasticity Matched to Behavioral Function.

Suvrathan A, Payne HL, Raymond JL.


Gepostet auf 12/02/2016 6:06 PM

2016/11/21 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Won-Suk Chung,Philip B. Verghese,Chandrani Chakraborty, Julia Joung, Bradley T. Hyman, Jason D. Ulrich,David M. Holtzman and Ben A. Barres

2016 Sep 6;113(36):10186-91. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1609896113. Epub 2016 Aug 24.

Novel allele-dependent role for APOE in controlling the rate of synapse pruning by astrocytes

Gepostet auf 11/18/2016 7:51 PM

2016/11/14 Journal Club (Kono)

Guo et al., (Prof. Regehr’s group) Neuron 91, 1330–1341

Purkinje Cells Directly Inhibit Granule Cells in Specialized Regions of the Cerebellar Cortex.

Gepostet auf 11/12/2016 12:39 PM

2016/11/07 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Piochon et al. (Prof. Hansel’s group), PNAS (Early edition)

Calcium threshold shift enables frequency-independent control of plasticity by an instructive signal.

Gepostet auf 11/06/2016 12:59 PM

10.17.2016 Journal Club (Arai)

Carter BC & Jahr CE
Postsynaptic, not presynaptic NMDA receptors are required for spike-timing-dependent LTD induction.
Nat Nerusorci, 2016, 19(9), 1218-24, PMID: 27399842

Gepostet auf 10/16/2016 2:05 PM

9/12/2016 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Orefice LL, Zimmerman AL, Chirila AM, Sleboda SJ, Head JP, Ginty DD

Cell. 2016 Jul 14;166(2):299-313

Peripheral Mechanosensory Neuron Dysfunction Underlies Tactile and Behavioral Deficits in Mouse Models of ASDs



Gepostet auf 09/09/2016 9:53 PM

9/5/2016 Journal Club (Taku)

Loh KH, Stawski PS, Draycott AS, Udeshi ND, Lehrman EK, Wilton DK, Svinkina T, Deerinck TJ, Ellisman MH, Stevens B, Carr SA, Ting AY.

Proteomic Analysis of Unbounded Cellular Compartments: Synaptic Clefts.

Cell. 2016 Aug 25;166(5):1295-1307.e21. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.07.041.



Gepostet auf 09/02/2016 2:16 PM

8/29/2016 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Oh WC, Lutzu S, Castillo PE, Kwon HB.
De novo synaptogenesis induced by GABA in the developing mouse cortex.
Science. 2016 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27516412

Gepostet auf 08/28/2016 6:09 PM

8/8/2016 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Ai-Hui Tang, Haiwen Chen, Tuo P. Li, Sarah R. Metzbower, Harold D. MacGillavr & Thomas A. Blanpied


A trans-synaptic nanocolumn aligns neurotransmitter release to receptors

Gepostet auf 08/04/2016 8:07 BIN

8/1/2016 Journal Club (Miura)

Architecture of fully occupied GluA2 AMPA receptor–TARP complex elucidated by cryo-EM

Yan Zhao, Shanshuang Chen, Craig Yoshioka, Isabelle Baconguis & Eric Gouaux

Nature (2016) doi:10.1038/nature18961



Elucidation of AMPA receptor–stargazin complexes by cryo–electron microscopy

Edward C. Twomey1,2, Maria V. Yelshanskaya1, Robert A. Grassucci1,4, Joachim Frank1,3,4,*, Alexander I. Sobolevsky1,*

Science 01 Jul 2016: Vol. 353, Issue 6294, pp. 83-86

Gepostet auf 07/29/2016 12:18 PM


Hemi-fused structure mediates and controls fusion and fission in live cells
Wei-Dong Zhao,
Edaeni Hamid, Wonchul Shin, Peter J. Wen, Evan S. Krystofiak, Seth A. Villarreal, Hsueh-Cheng Chiang, Bechara Kachar & Ling-Gang Wu

Gepostet auf 07/24/2016 5:26 PM

7/11/2016 Journal Club (Nozawa)

Feng Gao, Xiao Z Shen, Feng Jiang, Yongqiang Wu, Chunyu Han.

DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute

Nature Biotechnology 2016 Mai 2.

doi: 10.1038/nbt.3547. [Epub ahead of print]


Gepostet auf 07/08/2016 6:55 PM

7/4/2016 Journal Club (Aimi)

Lrp4 in astrocytes modulates glutamatergic transmission.

Nature Neuroscience(2016)doi:10.1038/nn.4326

Sun XD, Li L, Liu F, Huang ZH, Bean JC, Jiao HF, Barik A, Kim SM, Wu H, Shen C, Tian Y, Lin TW, Bates R, Sathyamurthy A, Chen YJ, Yin DM, Xiong L, Lin HP, Hu JX, Li BM, Gao TM, Xiong WC, Mei L.

Published online 13 Juni 2016


Gepostet auf 07/01/2016 8:53 PM

6/20/2016 Journal Club (Kono)

Weilinger et al., Nat Neurosci (2016) 19, 432

Metabotropic NMDA receptor signaling couples Src family kinases to pannexin-1 during excitotoxicity.

Gepostet auf 06/17/2016 8:24 PM

6/9/2016 Journal Club (Arai)

Causal evidence for the role of REM sleep theta rhythm in contextual memory consolidation.

Boyce et al., Science 13 Mai 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6287, pp. 812-816

Gepostet auf 06/05/2016 9:11 PM

5/30/2016 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Memory retrieval by activating engram cells in mouse models of early Alzheimer’s disease

Dheeraj S. Roy , Autumn Arons , teryn I. Mitchell , Michele Pignatelli , tomás J. Ryan & Susumu tonegawa

Nature531,508–512(24 Marsch 2016)doi:10.1038/nature17172

Gepostet auf 05/28/2016 12:25 BIN

5/16/2016 Journal Club (Taku)

Lisa Traunmüller, Andrea M. Gomez, Thi-Minh Nguyen, Peter Scheiffele

Control of neuronal synapse specification by a highly dedicated alternative splicing program

Science 12 Mai 2016 (published online ahead of print)

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf2397

Gepostet auf 05/15/2016 12:16 PM

5/9/2016 Journal Club (Taku)

Gepostet auf 05/06/2016 7:38 PM

5/2/2016 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Paquet D, Kwart D, Chen A, Sproul A, Jacob S, Teo S, Olsen KM, Gregg A, Noggle S, Tessier-Lavigne M.
Efficient introduction of specific homozygous and heterozygous mutations using CRISPR/Cas9
Nature 2016 Apr 27. doi:10.1038/nature17664. [Epub ahead of print] あまり面白くなかったですが・・・


Gepostet auf 05/01/2016 10:28 PM

160411 Journal Club (Matsuda)


Gepostet auf 04/09/2016 6:24 PM

2016.04.04 Jurnal Club (motohashi)

BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION (2016) 94(1):21, 1–8 DOI 10.1095/biolreprod.115.134023

High-Yield Superovulation in Adult Mice by Anti-Inhibin Serum Treatment Combined
with Estrous Cycle Synchronization

Ayumi Hasegawa, Keiji Mochida, Hiroki Inoue, Yoshihiro Noda, Tamao Endo,Gen Watanabe, and Atsuo Ogura


Gepostet auf 03/30/2016 7:21 PM

2016.3.28 JC (Suzuki)

Sekar, A. et al. Nature 530, 177–183 (2016).

Schizophrenia risk from complex variation of complement component 4


Gepostet auf 03/26/2016 2:45 PM


Nature Neuroscience Published online 07 Marsch 2016

Genetically targeted magnetic control of the nervous system

Michael A Wheeler, Cody J Smith, Matteo Ottolini, Bryan S Barker, Aarti M Purohit, Ryan M Grippo, Ronald P Gaykema, Anthony J Spano, Mark P Beenhakker, Sarah Kucenas, Manoj K Patel, Christopher D Deppmann & Ali D Güler

Gepostet auf 03/11/2016 4:26 PM

2016.3.7 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Gao et al. (Dr. De Zeeuw group), Neuron 2016, 89(3):645-57.

Excitatory Cerebellar Nucleocortical Circuit Provides Internal Amplification during Associative Conditioning.

Gepostet auf 03/04/2016 1:29 PM

2016.2.15 Journal Club (by Arai)

Ten Brinke MM, Boele HJ, Spanke JK, Potters JW, Kornysheva K, Wulff P, IJpelaar AC, Koekkoek SK, De Zeeuw CI.

Evolving Models of Pavlovian Conditioning: Cerebellar Cortical Dynamics in Awake Behaving Mice.

Cell Rep. 2015 Dec 1;13(9):1977-88. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.10.057. Epub 2015 Nov 19. PMID: 26655909

Gepostet auf 02/12/2016 7:52 PM

2016 1/25 Journal Club (Taku)

Reversible Optogenetic Control of Subcellular Protein Localization in a Live Vertebrate Embryo.

Buckley CE, Moore RE, Reade A, Goldberg AR, Weiner OD, Clarke JD.


Gepostet auf 01/22/2016 5:58 PM

2015.12.14 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Origins of choice-related activity in mouse somatosensory cortex

Connor et al., Nat Neurosci., 2015

Gepostet auf 12/14/2015 1:13 BIN

20151207 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Selective Loss of Presynaptic Potassium Channel Clusters at the Cerebellar Basket Cell Terminal Pinceau in Adam11 Mutants Reveals Their Role in Ephaptic Control of Purkinje Cell Firing
Kole MJ, Qian J, Waase MP, Klassen TL, Chen TT, Augustine GJ, Noebels JL.
J Neurosci. 2015 Aug 12;35(32):11433-44. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1346-15.2015.

Gepostet auf 12/07/2015 1:41 BIN

20151116 Journal Club (松田)

Rost BR, Schneider F, Grauel MK, Wozny C, G Bentz C, Blessing A, Rosenmund T, Jentsch TJ, Schmitz D, Hegemann P, Rosenmund C.
Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes.
Nat Neurosci. 2015 Nov 9. doi: 10.1038/nn.4161. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26551543.

Gepostet auf 11/13/2015 6:00 PM

20151109 Journal Club(三浦)

Glia-derived neurons are required for sex-specific learning in C. elegans

Michele Sammut1 , Steven J. Cook2 , Ken C. Q. Nguyen2 , Terry Felton1 , David H. Hall2 , Scott W. Emmons2,3, Richard J. Poole1 * & Arantza Barrios1 *

Nature, 15 Oktober (Vol. 526), 2015

Gepostet auf 11/06/2015 3:13 PM

20151102 Journal Club (幸田)

Nature. 2015 Oct 29;526(7575):653-9. doi: 10.1038/nature15389. Epub 2015 Oct 5.

Projections from neocortex mediate top-down control of memory retrieval.

Rajasethupathy P, Sankaran S, Marshel JH, Kim CK, Ferenczi E, Lee SY, Berndt A, Ramakrishnan C, Jaffe A, Lo M, Liston C, Deisseroth K


Gepostet auf 11/02/2015 10:00 BIN

journal 20151019ibata

Regulated Dynamic Trafficking of Neurexins Inside and Outside of Synaptic Terminals
The Journal of Neuroscience, 7 Oktober 2015, 35(40): 13629-13647

Christian Neupert, Romy Schneider,Oliver Klatt,Carsten Reissner, Daniele Repetto, Barbara Biermann, Katharina Niesmann, Markus Missler, and Martin Heine

Gepostet auf 10/17/2015 6:03 PM

2015.9.7 JC (Suzuki)

Cell, Volume 162, Issue 4, 13 August 2015, Pages 808–822 doi:10.1016/j.cell.2015.07.018

Wen-Jie Bian, Wan-Ying Miao, Shun-Ji He, Zilong Qiu, Xiang Yu

Coordinated Spine Pruning and Maturation Mediated by Inter-Spine Competition for Cadherin/Catenin Complexes

Gepostet auf 09/02/2015 2:21 PM

journal club 2015.08.31 (Kono)

Luo et al. (Sudhof group), Journal of Neuroscience (2015) 33, 11024-11033

Synaptotagmin-7 Is Essential for Ca2-Triggered Delayed Asynchronous Release But Not for Ca2-Dependent Vesicle Priming in Retinal Ribbon Synapses.



Gepostet auf 08/28/2015 11:48 PM

2015.8.24 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Murphy-Royal et al. (Stéphane Oliet group), Nature Neuroscience (2015) 18, 219-226.

Surface diffusion of astrocytic glutamate transporters shapes synaptic transmission.

Gepostet auf 08/19/2015 11:13 BIN

2015.8.17 Journal Club (by Arai)

He Q, Duguid I, Clark B, Panzanelli P, Patel B, Thomas P, Fritschy JM, Smart TG.

Interneuron- and GABAA receptor-specific inhibitory synaptic plasticity in cerebellar Purkinje cells.

Nat Commun. 2015 Jul 16;6:7364. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8364. PMID: 26179122

Gepostet auf 08/14/2015 5:04 PM


Chen JL, Margolis DJ, Stankov A, Sumanovski LT, Schneider BL, Helmchen F.

Nat Neurosci. 2015 Jun 22. doi: 10.1038/nn.4046. [Epub ahead of print]

Pathwayspecific reorganization of projection neurons in somatosensory cortex during learning.


Gepostet auf 07/13/2015 10:10 BIN

2015.07.06 Journal Club (Otsuka)

Neuron. 2015 Jun 3;86(5):1277-89. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.05.027.

Parvalbumin Interneurons of Hippocampus Tune Population Activity at Theta Frequency

Gepostet auf 07/06/2015 11:12 BIN

20150629 Journal Club (幸田)

Nature 522: 335-339, 2015 (PMID;26085274)

Ramirez, et al.

Activating positive memory engrams suppresses depression-like behaviour.




Gepostet auf 06/29/2015 9:38 BIN

2015.6.8 Journal Club (Matsuda)

Neuron. 2015 Mai 28. pii: S0896-6273(15)00420-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.05.013. [Epub ahead of print]


Gepostet auf 06/07/2015 9:46 PM

2015.6.1 Jurnal club (Motohashi)

Dan Zhu et al. J Clin Invest. 2015 Apr;125(4):1497-508.

BAI1 regulates spatial learning and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus.

Gepostet auf 06/01/2015 10:28 BIN

2015.5.25 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Nature 520, 499–504 (23 April 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14402

Bianca J. Marlin, Mariela Mitre, James A. D’amour, Moses V. Chao & Robert C. Froemke

Oxytocin enables maternal behaviour by balancing cortical inhibition

Gepostet auf 05/25/2015 12:11 BIN

20150518 journal (ibata)

Neuronal Activity Promotes Glioma Growth through Neuroligin-3 Secretion

Cell Volume 161, Issue 4, 7 Mai 2015, Pages 803–816

Gepostet auf 05/17/2015 8:16 PM

2015.05.11 journal club (Kono)

A structural role for the synaptobrevin 2 transmembrane domain in dense-core vesicle fusion pores

Gepostet auf 05/09/2015 7:01 PM

Journal Club on 2015. 04. 20 (by ARAI)

Neuron (2015) 86, 1-12

Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Motor Memory Formation in the Cerebellum.

Lee et al.

Gepostet auf 04/19/2015 3:01 PM

2015.4.13 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Deidda et al., Nature Medicine 21, 318-326 (2015)

Reversing excitatory GABAA-R signaling restores synaptic plasticity and memory in a mouse model of Down syndrome.

Gepostet auf 04/12/2015 9:18 PM

2015年3月31日 JC Takeo

Nat Commun. 2015 Mar 9;6:6464. doi: 10.1038/ncomms7464.

Reading out a spatiotemporal population code by imaging neighbouring parallel fibre axons in vivo

Wilms CD, Häusser M.

Gepostet auf 03/31/2015 9:46 BIN

2015.3.17 Journal club Otsuka

Huganir et al., Nature Neuroscience, 2015

Visualization of NMDA receptor–dependent AMPA receptor synaptic plasticity in vivo

Gepostet auf 03/14/2015 5:42 PM

2015.03.02 Journal Club(Ida)

BDNF-dependent plasticity induced by peripheral inflammation in the primary sensory and the cingulate cortex triggers cold allodynia and reveals a major role for endogenous BDNF as a tuner of the affective aspect of pain





Gepostet auf 03/02/2015 10:57 BIN

2015年2月10日 Journal Club (Miura)

Three-dimensional head-direction coding in the bat brain
Finkelstein A, Derdikman D, Rubin A, Foerster JN, Las L, Ulanovsky N.
Nature. 2015 Jan 8;517(7533):159-64

Gepostet auf 02/06/2015 5:20 PM

2015年2月3日 松田


Gepostet auf 02/03/2015 9:58 BIN

2015. 1. 19. Journal Club (Kohda)

The Journal of Neuroscience 34(45): 14845-14853, 2014

Cerebellar-Dependent Expression of Motor Learning during Eyeblink Conditioning in Head-Fixed Mice

Shane A. Heiney, Margot P. Wohl, Selmaan N. Chettih, Luis I. Ruffolo, and Javier F. Medina


Gepostet auf 01/19/2015 10:10 BIN

2014.12.8 Journal Club (Suzuki)

Nature Communications 5, Article number:5586 doi:10.1038/ncomms6586, 24 November 2014

Piochon et al.,

Cerebellar plasticity and motor learning deficits in a copy-number variation mouse model of autism

Gepostet auf 12/08/2014 1:34 BIN

2014.12.1 Journal Club (Kono)

The Journal of Neuroscience, September 10, 2014 34(37):12289 –12303

Liu et al.,

The Active Zone Protein Family ELKS Supports Ca2+ Influx at Nerve Terminals of Inhibitory Hippocampal Neurons

Gepostet auf 12/01/2014 12:18 BIN


The Morphological and Molecular Nature of Synaptic Vesicle Priming at Presynaptic Active Zones

Gepostet auf 11/16/2014 5:48 PM

2014.11.10 Journal Club (Tim)

GABA/glutamate co-release controls habenula output and is modified by antidepressant treatment

Gepostet auf 11/09/2014 3:19 PM

2014.9.22 Journal Club (Kakegawa)

Jo et al. (C Justin Lee’s group), Nature Medicine (2014) 20: 886-896

GABA from reactive astrocytes impairs memory in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease.

Gepostet auf 09/20/2014 4:25 PM

2014.9.8 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Samuel S.-H. Wang, Alexander D. Kloth, Aleksandra Badura
The Cerebellum, Sensitive Periods, and Autism
Neuron 83, 518-532, August 6, 2014

Gepostet auf 09/07/2014 11:35 PM

14/9/1 大塚

Pioneering Axons Regulate Neuronal Polarization in the Developing Cerebral Cortex

Namba et al.,2014, Cell

Gepostet auf 09/01/2014 10:21 BIN

8/25 Journal Club (松田)


Gepostet auf 08/22/2014 11:34 BIN

2014.8.4 竹尾


Gepostet auf 08/04/2014 9:49 BIN

2014.7.28. (Kawauchi)

PNAS (2014) Vol.111 (6) 2337-2342.

TBC1D24 regulates neuronal migration and maturation through modulation of the Arf6-dependent pathway



Gepostet auf 07/28/2014 9:22 BIN

2014/07/14 Ida


Functional labeling of neurons and their projections using the synthetic activity-dependent promoter E-SARE.


Gepostet auf 07/13/2014 4:28 PM

2014/07/07 幸田


Gepostet auf 07/07/2014 11:04 BIN

2014年6月30日 松田恵

Retrograde semaphorin signaling regulates synapse elimination in the developing mouse brain
Science 30 Mai 2014:Vol. 344 no. 6187 pp. 1020-1023

Gepostet auf 06/29/2014 7:55 PM

Journal 6/23 ibata

Non-Cell-Autonomous Mechanism of Activity-Dependent Neurotransmitter Switching
Alicia Guemez-Gamboa, Lin Xu, Da Meng, Nicholas C. Spitzer

Gepostet auf 06/22/2014 2:25 BIN

2014.6.16 JC Suzuki

Cntnap4 differentially contributes to GABAergic and dopaminergic synaptic transmission
Nature (2014) doi:10.1038/nature13248

Gepostet auf 06/16/2014 4:15 BIN

Juni 2, 2014 Journal Club (Tim)

Amygdala interneuron subtypes control fear learning through disinhibition
Nature 509, 453–458 (22 Mai 2014)

Gepostet auf 06/02/2014 11:09 BIN

2014/5/26 本橋

olfactory exposure to males, including men, causes stress and related analgesia in rodents

Nature Methods (2014) doi:10.1038/nmeth.2935

Gepostet auf 05/25/2014 3:53 PM

5月19日 Journal Club (松田)


Gepostet auf 05/16/2014 4:51 PM

Mai 12, 2014 (Yuzaki)

Whole-Brain Imaging with Single-Cell Resolution Using Chemical Cocktails and Computational Analysis
Cell Volume 157, Issue 3, p726–739, 24 April 2014

Gepostet auf 05/11/2014 9:00 PM

2014/4/21 大塚

A Map of LTP-Related Synaptic Changes in Dorsal Hippocampus Following Unsupervised Learning

Gepostet auf 04/20/2014 6:56 PM

2014/04/07 (掛川)

Lee et al. (Prof. Carla J. Shatz group), Nature (2014) AOP

Synapse elimination and learning rules co-regulated by MHC class I H2-Db.


Gepostet auf 04/05/2014 2:21 PM

2014年3月31日 竹尾


Gepostet auf 03/31/2014 9:59 BIN

2014.03.17 (kawauchi)


Journal of Neuroscience (2013) Vol. 33 (46), 18149-18160

N-cadherin sustains motility and polarity of future cortical interneurons during tangential migration



Gepostet auf 03/16/2014 10:12 PM

20140310 journal club 井田


Cell age specific Vulnerability of Neurons to Anesthetic Toxicity


Gepostet auf 03/10/2014 10:24 BIN

2月10日  幸田


Gepostet auf 02/10/2014 10:06 BIN

2013/2/3 松田(恵)


Gepostet auf 02/01/2014 4:40 PM

2014/01/20 Takkahashi


Gepostet auf 01/20/2014 5:06 BIN


Reelin Mobilizes a VAMP7-Dependent Synaptic Vesicle Pool and Selectively Augments Spontaneous Neurotransmission

Gepostet auf 11/29/2013 6:01 PM


GluA1 phosphorylation at serine 831 in the lateral amygdala is required for fear renewal
VOLUME 16 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2013 Nature Neuroscience

Gepostet auf 11/11/2013 9:48 BIN



Gepostet auf 10/19/2013 8:59 PM



An LRRTM4-HSPG Complex Mediates Excitatory Synapse Development on Dentate Gyrus Granule Cells.

Neuron 79, 680-695, August 21, 2013


Gepostet auf 09/05/2013 3:46 PM



Gepostet auf 08/30/2013 9:33 BIN

2013年8月19日 大塚

Observational fear learning involves affective pain system and Cav1.2 Ca2+ channels in ACC
Daejong Jeon, Sangwoo Kim, Mattu Chetana, Daewoong Jo, H Earl Ruley, Shih-Yao Lin, Dania Rabah, Jean-Pierre Kinet & Hee-Sup Shin
Nature neuro sci., 2010

Gepostet auf 08/18/2013 4:42 PM

2013年8月5日 (竹尾)


Gepostet auf 08/02/2013 3:30 PM

2013年7月22日 岩室

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 5;110(10):4027-32. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1219454110. Epub 2013 Feb 19.

Metabotropic NMDA receptor function is required for NMDA receptor-dependent long-term depression.

Nabavi S, Kessels HW, Alfonso S, Aow J, Fox R, Malinow R.

Gepostet auf 07/19/2013 1:52 PM

2013.7.8. (Kawauchi)


Nature Neuroscience (2013) 16, 416-425.

Scratch regulates neuronal migration onset via an epithelial-mesenchymal transition-like mechanism



Gepostet auf 07/08/2013 10:00 BIN

2013/07/01 (掛川)

Michalski et al., Neuron 78, 855-868 (2013)

Robo3-Driven Axon Midline Crossing Contributes Functional Maturation of a Large Commissural Synapse.


Gepostet auf 06/30/2013 9:05 PM

2013/06/24 Journal Club

2013/06/24 journal club 井田



Gepostet auf 06/21/2013 11:07 BIN

2013/06/17 幸田







Gepostet auf 06/17/2013 10:11 BIN

2013. 06. 10 JC takahashi


Gepostet auf 06/09/2013 2:00 PM

2013年6月3日 Journal Club (松田恵)


Gepostet auf 06/03/2013 9:15 BIN

松田5/20 Journal


Gepostet auf 05/16/2013 11:55 BIN

5/13 journal

5/13 ibata

Physiologic brain activity causes DNA double-strand breaks in neurons, with exacerbation by amyloid-β


Gepostet auf 05/10/2013 2:01 PM

大塚 4/21/2013

Jocelyn F Krey, Sergiu P Paşca, Aleksandr Shcheglovitov, Masayuki Yazawa, Rachel Schwemberger, Randall Rasmusson & Ricardo E Dolmetsch
T imothy syndrome is associated with activity-dependent dendritic retraction in rodent and human neurons

Nat Neurosci. 2013 Feb;16(2):201-9.

Gepostet auf 04/21/2013 5:30 PM

柚崎 4/8/2013

Condon KH, Ho J, Robinson CG, Hanus C, Ehlers MD.
The Angelman Syndrome Protein Ube3a/E6AP Is Required for Golgi Acidification and Surface Protein
J Neurosci. 2013 Feb 27;33(9):3799-814.

Gepostet auf 04/07/2013 7:34 PM

2013年4月1日 (林)


Gepostet auf 03/30/2013 4:25 PM

2013年3月11日 岩室

Neuron. 2012 Nov 21;76(4):762-75. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.10.013.
DeNardo LA, de Wit J, Otto-Hitt S, Ghosh A.

Gepostet auf 03/06/2013 9:50 BIN

2013/3/4 本橋

Effects of Climbing Fiber Driven Inhibition on Purkinje Neuron Spiking

The Journal of Neuroscience, Dezember 12, 2012 32(50):17988–17997

Paul J. Mathews, Ka Hung Lee, Zechun Peng, Carolyn R. Houser, and Thomas S. Otis

Gepostet auf 03/04/2013 12:47 BIN

2013/02/04 (掛川)

Granger et al., Nature (Article) 493, 495-500 (2013)

LTP requires a reserve pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type.


Gepostet auf 02/04/2013 10:08 BIN


POSH localizes activated Rac1 to control the formation of cytoplasmic dilation of the leading process and neuronal migration

Yang T, Sun Y, Zhang F, Zhu Y, Shi L, Li H, Xu Z.

Cell Rep. (2012) Vol.2 (3) 640-651.


Gepostet auf 01/18/2013 5:51 PM

12/10/12 幸田

Raf Kinase Inhibitory Protein is Required for Cerebellar Long-Term Synaptic Depression by Mediating PKC-Dependent MAPK Activation.

Yamamoto Y, Lee D, Kim Y, Lee B, Seo C, Kawasaki H, Kuroda S, Tanaka-Yamamoto K. JNS 2012

Gepostet auf 12/10/2012 9:53 BIN

2012/12/03 高橋

Autistic-like behaviour and cerebellar dysfunction in Purkinje cell Tsc1 mutant mice

Nature. 2012 Aug 30;488(7413):647-51



Gepostet auf 12/01/2012 8:18 PM

2012年11月19日 松田(恵)


Gepostet auf 11/19/2012 10:34 BIN



Dynamics of the leading process, nucleus, and Golgi apparatus of migrating cortical interneurons in living mouse embryos

Yanagida M, Miyoshi R, Toyokuni R, Zhu Y, Murakami F.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 9;109(41):16737-42.

Gepostet auf 11/04/2012 12:31 BIN

10/29 journal(ibata)

Orchestrated experience-driven Arc responses are disrupted in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

Gepostet auf 10/25/2012 10:03 PM

2012/10/15 (松田)


Gepostet auf 10/12/2012 11:10 BIN

2012/9/3 (大塚)

2012/9/3 (大塚)

Activation of lateral habenula inputs to the ventral midbrain promotes behavioral avoidance

Alice M Stamatakis1 & Garret D Stuber1,2

Nature neuroscience. 24 Juni 2012; doi:10.1038/nn.3145

Gepostet auf 09/01/2012 6:38 PM

8/27/2012 (Yuzaki)

Protocadherins mediate dendritic self-avoidance in the mammalian nervous system.

Lefebvre JL, Kostadinov D, Chen WV, Maniatis T, Sanes JR.

Nature. 2012 Aug 22;488(7412):517-21.


Gepostet auf 08/26/2012 7:06 PM

2012年7月23日 (岩室)

Gepostet auf 07/20/2012 11:17 BIN

2012年7月9日 (本橋)

Reduced Glutathione Enhances Fertility of Frozen/Thawed C57BL/6 Mouse Sperm after Exposure to Methyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin
Toru Takeo and Naomi Nakagata

BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 85, 1066–1072 (2011)

Gepostet auf 07/09/2012 10:31 BIN

2012/07/02 (林)


PNAS 2012

Critical role of soluble amyloid-β for early hippocampal hyperactivity in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.


Gepostet auf 07/02/2012 10:26 BIN

2012/06/18 (掛川)

Allen et al., Nature (2012) doi:10.1038/nature11059

Astrocyte glypicans 4 and 6 promote formation of excitatory synapses via GluA1 AMPA receptors.


Gepostet auf 06/16/2012 10:41 PM

2012/06/11  幸田


Gepostet auf 06/11/2012 10:39 BIN

2012年6月4日 高橋

GABAergic Inhibition Regulates Developmental Synapse Elimination in the Cerebellum

Neuron. 2012 Apr 26;74(2):384-96.

Gepostet auf 06/01/2012 3:32 PM


Cell Reports
Visualization of Subunit-Specific Delivery of Glutamate Receptors to Postsynaptic Membrane during Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation

Hiromitsu Tanaka, Tomoo Hirano


Gepostet auf 05/11/2012 5:00 PM


Pinceau Organization in the Cerebellum Requires Distinct Functions of Neurofascin in Pukinje and Basket Neurons during Postnatal Development

The Journal of Neuriscience, vol. 32:4724-4742, 2012

Gepostet auf 04/12/2012 10:06 PM



Gepostet auf 04/06/2012 9:08 BIN


Jun B Ding, Won-Jong Oh, Bernardo L Sabatini & Chenghua Gu

Semaphorin 3E–Plexin-D1 signaling controls pathway-specific synapse formation in the striatum


Gepostet auf 04/02/2012 11:30 BIN


Shinji Miyata, Yukio Komatsu, Yumiko Yoshimura, Choji Taya & Hiroshi Kitagawa

Persistent cortical plasticity by upregulation of chondroitin 6-sulfation

Nature Neuroscience 15, 414–422 (2012) doi:10.1038/nn.3023

Gepostet auf 03/25/2012 6:04 PM


Hippocampus. 2012 Jan 23.
Selective facilitation of LTP in the ventral hippocampus by calcium stores.

Gepostet auf 03/07/2012 4:03 PM

2012年3月5日 (林)

Repetitive motor learning induces coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo.

Fu M, Yu X, Lu J, Zuo Y. Nature 2012


Gepostet auf 03/05/2012 10:40 BIN

2012年2月13日 (本橋)

A role for mDia, a Rho-regulated actin nucleator, in tangential migration of interneuron precursors

Nature Neuroscience Advance online publication


Gepostet auf 02/10/2012 6:21 PM

2012/02/06 (掛川)

Marin-Burgin et al., Science (in press)

Unique Processing During a Period of High Excitation/Inhibition Balance in Adult-Born Neurons.


Gepostet auf 02/06/2012 10:27 BIN

1/16/12  幸田


Gepostet auf 01/16/2012 10:26 BIN

2011.12.5 野村


Gepostet auf 12/03/2011 4:42 PM

2011年11月21日 松田(恵)


Gepostet auf 11/21/2011 10:27 BIN



Gepostet auf 10/28/2011 12:31 PM

2011年10月17日 (三浦)

Transcription factor Lhx2 is necessary and sufficient to suppress astrogliogenesis and promote neurogenesis in the developing hippocampus.

PNAS 2011, vol.108, E265-274



Gepostet auf 10/17/2011 10:34 BIN

2011年8月29日 (本橋)

Autism-linked neuroligin-3 R451C mutation differentially alters hippocampal and cortical synaptic function.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Aug 16;108(33):13764-9


Gepostet auf 08/27/2011 12:50 PM


Zinc alleviates pain through high- afinity binding to the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit.

8/22 井田

Gepostet auf 08/22/2011 10:46 BIN

2011年8月8日 (岩室)

Fidzinski P, Wawra M, Dugladze T, Gloveli T, Heinemann U, Behr J.
Low-Frequency Stimulation of the Temporoammonic Pathway Induces Heterosynaptic Disinhibition in the Subiculum
Hippocampus. 2011 Jul;21(7):733-43. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20791. Epub 2010 Apr 13.

Gepostet auf 08/01/2011 4:45 PM


PLoS ONE April 2011

Neurodevelopmental Disruption of Cortico-Striatal
Function Caused by Degeneration of Habenula Neurons


Gepostet auf 08/01/2011 11:34 BIN

2011年7月11日 (林)


Xiaowei Chen, Ulrich Leischner, Nathalie L. Rochefort, Israel Nelken & Arthur Konnerth

Functional mapping of single spines in cortical neurons in vivo.


Gepostet auf 07/10/2011 5:20 PM

2011/06/27 (掛川)

Okamoto et al., Journal of Neuroscience (2011) 31, 8958-8966.

Role of cerebellar cortical protein synthesis in transfer of memory trace of cerebellum-dependent motor learning.


Gepostet auf 06/25/2011 10:34 PM

2011年6月21日  幸田

Hyung-Bae Kwon1 & Bernardo L. Sabatini
Glutamate induces de novo growth of functional spines in developing cortex


Gepostet auf 06/20/2011 10:34 BIN


Probing TARP Modulation of AMPA Receptor Conductance with Polyamine Toxins.

Jackson AC, Milstein AD, Soto D, Farrant M, Cull-Candy SG, Nicoll RA.

J Neurosci. 2011 Mai 18;31(20):7511-20.

Gepostet auf 06/06/2011 7:49 PM


Temporally matched subpopulations of selectively interconnected principal neurons in the hippocampus


Gepostet auf 05/16/2011 10:16 BIN


Molecular Motor KIF17 Is Fundamental for Memory and Learning via Differential Support of Synaptic NR2A/2B Levels.

Neuron. 2011 Apr 28;70(2):310-25.


Gepostet auf 05/06/2011 3:29 PM

2011年5月2日 (Matsuda)

The AAA+ ATPase Thorase Regulates AMPA Receptor-Dependent Synaptic Plasticity and Behavior
Cell 145: 284-299, 2011

Gepostet auf 04/27/2011 2:50 PM

2011年4月17日 (柚崎)

The neural substrates of rapid-onset Dystonia-Parkinsonism
Nature Neuroscience 14.357–365 (2011)

Gepostet auf 04/17/2011 6:37 PM

2011年4月11日 (本橋)

β-Adducin Is Required for Stable Assembly of New Synapses and Improved Memory upon Environmental Enrichment

Neuron. 2011 Mar 24;69(6):1132-46.


Gepostet auf 04/11/2011 10:10 PM