2017/05/15 Journal Club (Kakegawa)
Temkin et al,,en,Malenka group,,en,The Retromer Supports AMPA Receptor Trafficking During LTP,,en. (Dr. Malenka group), Neuron. (2017) 94:74-82
posted on 05/14/2017 12:54 PM
Keio University School of Medicine, Dept of Neurophysiology |
Yuzaki Lab |
Temkin et al,,en,Malenka group,,en,The Retromer Supports AMPA Receptor Trafficking During LTP,,en. (Dr. Malenka group), Neuron. (2017) 94:74-82
posted on 05/14/2017 12:54 PM
Guo et al., (Prof. Regehr’s group) Neuron. 91, 1330–1341
Purkinje Cells Directly Inhibit Granule Cells in Specialized Regions of the Cerebellar Cortex.
posted on 11/12/2016 12:39 PM
Piochon et al. (Prof. Hansel’s group), This paper has been published in PNAS (Early edition)
posted on 11/06/2016 12:59 PM
Causal evidence for the role of REM sleep theta rhythm in contextual memory consolidation.
Boyce et al., Science 13 May 2016: Flight. 352, Issue 6287, pp. 812-816
posted on 06/05/2016 9:11 PM
Gao et al. (Dr. De Zeeuw group), Neuron. 2016, 89(3):645-57.
posted on 03/04/2016 1:29 PM
Murphy-Royal et al. (Stéphane Oliet group), Nature Neuroscience (2015) 18, 219-226.
Surface diffusion of astrocytic glutamate transporters shapes synaptic transmission.
posted on 08/19/2015 11:13 AM
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://ipv4.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect?continue=http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=a&q=Deidda+et+al.&q=Reversing+excitatory+GABAA-R+signaling+restores+synaptic+plasticity+and+memory+in+a+mouse+model+of+Down+syndrome&tl=en&sl=auto&q=CGMSBMu9aZ8Y7fytqQUiGQDxp4NLLFGcTUQEU51tmAdO3xQRv6k9LHk">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> , Nature Medicine 21, 318-326 (2015)
posted on 04/12/2015 9:18 PM
The Journal of Neuroscience, September 10, 2014 • 34(37):12289 –12303
Liu et al.,
posted on 12/01/2014 12:18 AM
Jo et al. (C Justin Lee’s group), Nature Medicine (2014) 20: 886-896
GABA from reactive astrocytes impairs memory in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease.
posted on 09/20/2014 4:25 PM
Lee et al. (Prof. Carla J. Shatz group), Nature (2014) AOP
Synapse elimination and learning rules co-regulated by MHC class I H2-Db.
posted on 04/05/2014 2:21 PM
Michalski et al., Neuron. 78, 855-868 (2013)
Robo3-Driven Axon Midline Crossing Contributes Functional Maturation of a Large Commissural Synapse.
posted on 06/30/2013 9:05 PM
Granger et al., Nature (Article) 493, 495-500 (2013)
LTP requires a reserve pool of glutamate receptors independent of subunit type.
posted on 02/04/2013 10:08 AM