
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
Past News
Journal Club
We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Published in Scientifc Reports

By introducing mRNA encoding the transcription factor、How to efficiently and rapidly differentiated from iPS cells into motor neuronsScientific Reportsにpublishit was done。This paper is the result of joint research with Hong teacher of the system Medicine。Also it was featured in such Nihon Keizai Shimbun。

posted on 02/13/2017 4:50 PM

Reunion of Keio Physiology Lab

 A reunion party of Keio Physiology Laboratories was held on February 11, 2017. A lecture was also given by Dr. Shibata,ja. See photo.

posted on 02/11/2017 11:22 AM

Lecture by Prof,en. Aricescu

On February 3 and 6, Dr. Radu Aricescu, a visiting professor from Oxford University, gave two lectures on entitled “Introduction to Modern Structural Biology.”

posted on 02/06/2017 11:15 AM

New Review in Trends in Neuroscience

Cover image Trends in Neurosciences


A review on the delta glutamate receptors (wheels) “A GluD Coming-Of-Age Story (A GluD Coming-of-Age Story)” has been published in Trends in Neuroscience.

posted on 01/21/2017 4:55 PM

NUS-Keio Joint Symposium

Dr. Yuzaki participated and gave a talk at the NUS-Keio Joint Symposium at the National University of Singapore on January 10-11th, 2017. See photos.

posted on 01/11/2017 4:48 PM

"Forefront 2017 of brain circuit research" Symposium,ja

Symposium held at the "brain circuit creation of Elucidation and control technology of the formation and operation principle of the forefront 2017- brain circuit of research" is January 20 (Friday) 10:00 30 minutes to Conference Square M (Marunouchi Mitsubishi building 10F) willTodid。This symposium by eight research team that has been adopted in AMED-CREST research expenses。People Ya, which is engaged in the life science and medical research、Planning is that target to the general public who are interested in the mechanism of the brain。Alone with participation tightening is up to 13 days。Click here for detailsUntil。

posted on 01/05/2017 10:20 PM

Otsuka’s thesis paper published in J Neurosci

The Journal of Neuroscience: 36 (46)Otsuka-kun’s thesis paper has been published in J Neurosci. This work was done in collaboration with Dr. Konno (co-first author) in Prof. Watanabe’s laboratory and Dr. Abe in Prof. Sakimura’s laboratory. It was featured as “It has been featured in "This Week in The Journal." .”


posted on 11/17/2016 2:08 PM

NIPS International Symposium “Decoding Synapses” was held

 Dr. Yuzaki gave a talk at The 47th NIPS International Symposium “Decoding Synapses,” held at the National Institute of Physiological Science on October 26-28, 2016.

posted on 10/28/2016 4:40 PM

Gave a talk at OIST

joint-symposium-2016sProf. Yuzaki gave a talk at the OIST mini-symposium/the Core-to-Core program of JSPS, entitled “Nanoscale mechanisms of synaptic functions,” which was held on September 25- 27 at Okinawa. Other speakers include: Larry Trussell, Robert Edwards, Volker Hauck, Nils Brose, If Kavalalı, Ian Forsythe, Peter Jonas, Stephan Sigrist, Reinhard Jahn,Ryuichi Shigemoto, Stephan Hallermann, Alan Marty, Tobias Moser, Ko Matsui, Hiroaki Misonou, Haruhiko Bito, Shinya Kawaguchi, Toshihisa Otsuka, Sumiko Mochida and Tomoyuki Takahashi.

posted on 09/30/2016 6:14 PM

Published in KOMPAS "Science in Keio"

img_logoA review for general readers"Science in Keio University School of Medicine"A review of Keiko Matsuda lecturer was published in the。

posted on 09/06/2016 12:53 PM

A kick-off meeting of the group grant "Dynamic regulation of neural net functions by scrap-and-build mechanisms" has been held.

A new group grantbanner_223x65In the "dynamic control of brain function due to scrap and build" Kakenhi new academic area studies、As kick-off symposium and public research briefing the following will be heldYou。、It ended on a high note。
Date and time:2016On September 8 (wood) 13:00-17:00
Meeting place:The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science, Building No. 1 Koshiba Hall

For more details, until the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "dynamic control of by the scrap-and-build brain function."。

posted on 09/06/2016 12:49 PM

8/29/2016 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Oh WC, Wang S, Castillo PE, Kwon HB.
De novo synaptogenesis induced by GABA in the developing mouse cortex.
Science. 2016 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27516412

posted on 08/28/2016 6:09 PM