Published in Scientifc Reports
転写因子をコードするmRNAを導入することによって、iPS細胞から運動ニューロンに効率よくかつ急速に分化させる方法についてScientific Reportsにpublishされました。この論文はシステム医学講座の洪先生との共同研究の成果です。日経新聞などにも取り上げられました。
posted on 02/13/2017 4:50 PM
Keio University School of Medicine, Dept of Physiology |
Yuzaki Lab |
転写因子をコードするmRNAを導入することによって、iPS細胞から運動ニューロンに効率よくかつ急速に分化させる方法についてScientific Reportsにpublishされました。この論文はシステム医学講座の洪先生との共同研究の成果です。日経新聞などにも取り上げられました。
posted on 02/13/2017 4:50 PM
A reunion party of Keio Physiology Laboratories was held on February 11, 2017. A lecture was also given by Dr. Shibata. See photo.
posted on 02/11/2017 11:22 AM
On February 3 and 6, Dr. Radu Aricescu, a visiting professor from Oxford University, gave two lectures on entitled “Introduction to Modern Structural Biology.”
posted on 02/06/2017 11:15 AM
A review on the delta glutamate receptors (GluD) “A GluD Coming-Of-Age Story (デルタ受容体の成人の日)” has been published in Trends in Neuroscience.
posted on 01/21/2017 4:55 PM
Dr. Yuzaki participated and gave a talk at the NUS-Keio Joint Symposium at the National University of Singapore on January 10-11th, 2017. See photos.
posted on 01/11/2017 4:48 PM
シンポジウム「脳神経回路研究の最前線2017―脳神経回路の形成・動作原理の解明と制御技術の創出」が1月20日(金)10時30分からコンファレンススクエアM+ (丸の内の三菱ビル10F)にて開催されま
posted on 01/05/2017 10:20 PM
Otsuka-kun’s thesis paper has been published in J Neurosci. This work was done in collaboration with Dr. Konno (co-first author) in Prof. Watanabe’s laboratory and Dr. Abe in Prof. Sakimura’s laboratory. It was featured as “This Week in The Journal.”
posted on 11/17/2016 2:08 PM
Dr. Yuzaki gave a talk at The 47th NIPS International Symposium “Decoding Synapses,” held at the National Institute of Physiological Science on October 26-28, 2016.
posted on 10/28/2016 4:40 PM
Prof. Yuzaki gave a talk at the OIST mini-symposium/the Core-to-Core program of JSPS, entitled “Nanoscale mechanisms of synaptic functions,” which was held on September 25- 27 at Okinawa. Other speakers include: Larry Trussell, Robert Edwards, Volker Hauck, Nils Brose, Ege Kavalali, Ian Forsythe, Peter Jonas, Stephan Sigrist, Reinhard Jahn,Ryuichi Shigemoto, Stephan Hallermann, Alan Marty, Tobias Moser, Ko Matsui, Hiroaki Misonou, Haruhiko Bito, Shinya Kawaguchi, Toshihisa Otsuka, Sumiko Mochida and Tomoyuki Takahashi.
posted on 09/30/2016 6:14 PM
posted on 09/06/2016 12:49 PM
Oh WC, Lutzu S, Castillo PE, Kwon HB.
De novo synaptogenesis induced by GABA in the developing mouse cortex.
Science. 2016 Aug 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27516412
posted on 08/28/2016 6:09 PM