
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
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Journal Club
We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Dr. Scott Soderling gave a talk at the Brain Club

Dr. Scott Soderling (Depts of Cell Biology and Neurobiology ,Duke University ), gave a talk entitled “Neural Circuit Selective Analysis of Behaviors Relevant to Psychiatric Disorders” at the 116th Brain Club.

posted on 07/19/2017 7:23 PM

Dr. Stoyanov joined lab

Dr. Stoyan Stoyanov, supported by the Young Glia grant, came from Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE) and stayed in our lab to perform experiments with Kuni Suzuki. We all enjoyed his visit. Please see,en other photos.

posted on 06/01/2017 6:16 PM

Recruiting a postdoc

With the expansion of this time research、Newly, who has strongIt began recruiting。Payroll will be determined according to the University rules。

Depending on the changes in the neural activity and the environment、It is selectively enhanced to attenuation particular synapse、Or they are newly formed and removed。This process not only is the basis processes of memory and learning、It has become apparent in recent years is the basis of the change in the connect mix in a variety of psychiatric disorders and developmental disorders。Our laboratory is、Such molecular basis of functional and morphological synaptic plasticity、We aim to elucidate the molecular biology, electrophysiology and behavioral biological。

sendthe following items toin vivo or Ms. Y. Tomizuka ( :In particular, it assumes people with a。While taking advantage of these background、New technologies (molecular biology and genetic engineering) learned by those who aim at the future of the step-up of、I'd love to、1)CV、 2) Research proposal、3) 2 people Reference destination (name and contact information)write、Kawasaki grapefruit research(name and contact information)Please apply to。For further questions, please contact them, too.。The recruitment will be closed as soon as personnel are found。It was closed。Thank you very much many of your submissions。

posted on 05/17/2017 6:38 PM

Published in Nat Commun

Excitatory neurotransmitter in our brain are borne by glutamate、Especially AMPA receptor is an important receptor that convey the fast neurotransmission。It is what the number of AMPA receptors in the postsynaptic changes in the long term、It is thought that the most fundamental processes of memory。So far about a change in the number of AMPA receptors、Or carried out by antibody staining in fixed specimens、Or it has been studied by expressing the exogenous AMPA receptor with a fluorescent probe。In this research、By developing an entirely new chemical labeling method、Endogenous AMPA receptors in the brain were visualized、We were able to observed over time the change。This achievement is the result of joint research by Kyoto University Ken Hamachi and yuzu 﨑研 that have been made with the support of the JST CREST。It was published in Nature Communication.。

posted on 04/08/2017 7:10 PM

Dr. Anis Contractor gave a talk at the Brain Club

Dr. Anis Contractor (Department of Physiology, FSM and Department of Neurobiology, WCAS Northwestern University) gave a talk at the 115th Brain Club on April 6th.  The title of the talk was “Life without Kainate Receptors: Insights from Kainate Receptor Knockout Mice.”

posted on 04/06/2017 9:46 PM

Dr. Jaewon Ko gave a talk at the Brain Club

Dr. Jaewon Ko (Laboratory of Neural Circuits and Social Behaviours Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), Korea) gave a talk at the 114th Brain Club on March 23rd. The title of the talk was “Molecular Principles of Neural Circuit Development: Synapse Organizers.”

posted on 03/23/2017 9:45 PM

Published in the special issue of Science "Japanese researchers who publsiehd papers in Science 2017."

It was published in "Japanese researchers who have appeared in the journal Science," the annual。From and this project is started is the appearance of the second time following in 2011。This booklet is誰でもダウンロードして読めますのでどうぞ。Thesis of Yuzusakiken is 44 pages。

posted on 03/21/2017 3:30 PM

The first meeting of a Group grant "Scrap & Build of Neuronal Circuit" was held

The First group meeting of the new academic area, "dynamic control of brain function by scrap-and-build process" was carried out in March 6 to 8 days Karuizawa Prince Hotel。Diligently until late at night I stayed the Discussion was made to the lodge。

posted on 03/16/2017 3:17 PM

Published in EMBO J

Axon's first clause (AIS) is a site that generates an action potential、Formed by Ankyrin G has been known to be controlled。But Ankyrin or G is given to how the integration was not well understood。Papers this time microtubule bridging molecules MTCL1 revealed that plays an essential role in the formation and maintenance of AIS isThis work has been published in EMBO was done。Is the study of the Satake-san and Suzuki, professor of Yokohama City University。Yuzu In Nagasaki Institute is a joint research san and Miura Takeo has the help of intrauterine electroporation and organizations analysis。

posted on 03/16/2017 3:08 PM


In the new academic area "nerve Glycobiology" final symposium Suzuki Assistant Professor (Adjunct) was awarded the Best Poster Award。Congrats!

posted on 03/04/2017 3:43 PM

A Review in Current Opinion in Neurobiology,en

A new review on C1q family proteins “The C1q complement family of synaptic organizers: not just complementary.” has been published in Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

posted on 02/20/2017 4:44 PM

2017/2/20 Journal Club (Yuzaki)

Jin Li, Tamara Casteels, Thomas Frogner, …, Patrick Collombat, Jacob Hecksher-Sørensen, Stefan Kubicek
Artemisinins Target GABAA Receptor Signaling and Impair α Cell Identity
Cell 168, 86–100, 2017

posted on 02/20/2017 2:18 AM