
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
  • Yuzuzaki Laboratory is a research center for human biology - Microbiota - Quantum Computational Research (Keio University)WPI-Bio2Q) has been moved to
  • Focusing on synaptic formation mechanisms in the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and enteric nervous system、We aim to clarify the linkage between the nervous system and multiple organs, and the pathology caused by its failure, and to develop treatment methods.
Past News
Journal Club
We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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The 155th BrainClub was held

In the 155th BrainClub、We invited Dr. Thomas Chater from the RIKEN CBS Synaptic Plasticity and Circuit Regulation Research Team (2/15(Wed) 16:00~17:30)。The subject was "Towards a logic of homo- and heterosynaptic dynamics following plasticity」です。from recent research、A phenomenon called "Heterosynaptic plasticity" has been found in which plasticity occurs in neighboring synapses when a plasticity-inducing stimulus is applied to a specific synapse.。For Chater teacher this time、Observation of spine morphology and Ca using hippocampal slice culture and two-photon microscopy2+learned from imaging、He gave a lecture on interactions between spines that cause heterosynaptic plasticity.。Regarding the spatio-temporal control mode between synapses、A heated discussion took place, including unpublished data.。Commemorative photo @ seminar room with members of Yuzuzaki Lab after the lecture (upper photo)。In the center is Mr. Chater, the performer.。It was a raging BrainClub rush。Hope next time。(Press conference)

02/18/2023 7:58 PM | What's New