
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab
    Yuzaki Lab's (Department of Neurophysiology, Keio University School of Medicine) research theme is to elucidate "how neural activity and environmental changes induce memory and learning,、, 、and how they change the neural network itself ."。For details please Click here.
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We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Dr. Ishida joins RIKEN CBS

Lecturer Ishida will be promoted as a team leader of RIKEN CBS on July 1st.。She will be leading the Laboratory for Brain Development and Disorders、and their goal is to connect molecules and circuits to untangle developmental disorders、.。Congratulations! (Dr. Ishida is the very first graduate student of Yuzuzaki Lab at Keio.)。

05/05/2021 11:50 PM | What's New