Kono-san's paper was featured in "Perspective"
Kono-san's doctoral paper、which was published in the Journal of Physiology, was featured in Perspective.。According to the comment, ”These results by Kono et al. (2019) represent a major step forward to cut the Gordian knot regarding the precise subcellular localization of NMDARs in the cerebellar microcircuitry and the cellular mechanism of PF–CF signal integration”.、They also describe that this paper represents a major step to fully understand where and how NMDA receptors function in the cerebellar circuit。The expression "cut the Gordian knot"、means "put an end to a long-standing question in an unexpected way."。Since it was tied by Gordius King、nobody was able to untie it (the Gordian knot)、when the Alexander the Great cut the knot by the sword。
02/27/2019 9:38 PM | What's New