Published in Nat Commun
Excitatory neurotransmitter in our brain are borne by glutamate、Especially AMPA receptor is an important receptor that convey the fast neurotransmission。It is what the number of AMPA receptors in the postsynaptic changes in the long term、It is thought that the most fundamental processes of memory。So far about a change in the number of AMPA receptors、Or carried out by antibody staining in fixed specimens、Or it has been studied by expressing the exogenous AMPA receptor with a fluorescent probe。In this research、By developing an entirely new chemical labeling method、Endogenous AMPA receptors in the brain were visualized、We were able to observed over time the change。This achievement is the result of joint research by Kyoto University Ken Hamachi and yuzu 﨑研 that have been made with the support of the JST CREST。It was published in Nature Communication.。
04/08/2017 7:10 PM | What's New