Final lecture and a celebration for resignation
3On the 12th of the month, Yuzuzaki gave a final lecture, "Bridge Over Troubled Synapse: C1q protein、wheels、And then beyond"I did it。movieHere。
We then held a celebration of the resignation ceremony at the Meiji Memorial Museum.。Researchers who once again conducted research together in the lab、Maya Kono、technician、Secretaries、Furthermore, to all those involved in the Faculty of Medicine and Keio University.、We would like to express our sincere gratitude。
4From Monday onwards, I will be transferred to Keio University WPI-Bio2Q.、I was given the opportunity to continue my research under the Director Honda.。in recent years、.、schizophrenia、Many mental and neurological disorders such as autism spectrum disorders and developmental disorders、It is becoming increasingly thought to be a "synaptic disease" caused by synaptic abnormalities。Until now, I、We investigate how central nervous system synapses are formed and maintained.、Based on this knowledge, we have aimed to clarify the pathology of synaptic disease and develop treatment methods.。In WPI-Bio2Q、In addition to the central nervous system、Enteroinal nervous system、Autonomic nervous system、Peripheral nervous system、Furthermore, we will continue our research focusing on the synapse formation mechanism that connects these nervous systems with each organ.。With this approach、Understand the mechanism by which multiple organs connect to each other and maintain homeostasis、We hope to help you understand the pathology of diseases and develop new treatments。
03/12/2025 8:42 PM | What's New