
Welcome to Yuzaki Lab

柚﨑研は慶應義塾大学 ヒト生物学-微生物叢-量子計算研究センター(WPI-Bio2Q)に移動しました

Past News
Journal Club
We await the participation of motivated indivisuals。We will vigorously nurture young researchers who will lead the future of basic science.。
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Brain Club was held with Dr. Valentin Nägerl

165th Brain ClubCo-hosted with WPI-Bio2Qon October 30, 2024。Lecturer: Dr. Valentin Nägerl (Director), Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the Medical Center of the University of Göttingen)We welcomed。The title of the presentation is "Super-resolution imaging of brain microanatomy"。Dr. Nägerl at Bordeaux University、Using STED microscopy, we have analyzed nanoscale structural changes associated with synaptic plasticity in real time.。in recent years、As a super-resolution observation technology for extracellular space、Super-resolution shadow imaging (SUSHI)was developed。This time, we listened to a very interesting talk about the technical aspects of super-resolution technology and new research applying SUSHI.。News on WPI-Bio2Q HPClick here. 2022。

10/31/2024 11:34 AM | What's New